Prince Harry believes that Fortnite is so harmful that the game should be banned.
Well, it looks like across the pond the royal family isn’t pleased with the popularity of Fortnite, especially one member.
Prince Harry spoke about his displeasure for the game and didn’t hold any punches. He thinks that there is no place for the game in the household.
"“[Fortnite] shouldn’t be allowed,” he said. “Where is the benefit of having it in your household? It’s created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It’s so irresponsible. It’s like waiting for the damage to be done and kids turning up on your doorsteps and families being broken down.”He also suggested that social media is “more addictive than alcohol and drugs.”"
Woah, woah, woah, Prince Harry; it’s more dangerous than alcohol and drugs? That seems like a bit of a stretch. I don’t think anyone has gotten drunk off of Super Mario or Zelda and ended up injuring themselves or someone else.
There has always been a crusade against video games. Some said that violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto can make people more violent. I’m pretty sure that if you steal a car in GTA V and go out in real life and commit the crime, you just wanted an excuse to steal a car.
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Fortnite is also one of the calmer games out there. Thanks to the graphics of the game, nothing seems that violent even when you are eliminating an opposing player. Fortnite looks like child’s play compared to some gruesome games like Mortal Kombat.
All video games have the capability to be addicting. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t stayed up into the wee hours of the night trying to finish a campaign. But this doesn’t mean that games like Fortnite should be banned.
Video games are escapes. You can immerse yourself in a world and focus on completing a task. If you are like me, you can live out your dreams in career modes and become the next greatest sports star in games like Madden, FIFA, and others.
Banning Fortnite is an idiotic idea. Let the kids have fun, Prince Harry.