Is Dead Space 4 coming after Dead Space Remake’s success?

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The Dead Space Remake has been ultra-successful since its release on January 27. Gamers have already gotten their chance to play as Isaac Clarke once again and some have already beaten the game. Maybe even more than once. While there is a ton for gamers to do in the Dead Space Remake after you beat the game, such as Achievement/Trophy hunt or even hunt for some collectibles, there is going to become a point where you want brand new content. This sparks an interesting conversation about a potential Dead Space 4 releasing in the near future.

The Dead Space franchise is hands down of the most popular Horror video game franchises of all time. Dead Space 3 was released almost a decade ago, which mean that the Dead Space Remake was the first Dead Space video game content we have gotten in over 10 years. With how well the remake has been doing, and the Dead Space fans raving about the franchise once again, is Dead Space 4 a real possibility now?

With how much success we have seen from the Dead Space Remake, there is no question that the franchise is here to stay. The question becomes if it will be a Dead Space 2 Remake or Dead Space 4? Obviously, a Dead Space 2 Remake wouldn’t be out of question as the original Dead Space 2 got just about the same amount of positive feedback as the original. With the technology is gaming today, a Dead Space 2 Remake would look visually stunning and would do just as good, if not better than the current Dead Space Remake.

Interestingly, Trevor Gureckis, who is the composer of the Dead Space soundtrack, believes the franchise should move forward with Dead Space 4 and forget about any more remakes. Trevor Gureckis states; “I’m curious to see what (Motive and EA) will do. If they just skip ahead and go to Dead Space 4 that would make a lot of sense. You do a great remake and then move the franchise in the direction of Dead Space 4. People are now on board, right? Because Dead Space is definitely an old game, doing a remake makes sense to refresh everyone’s minds. But I think pushing it forward to Dead Space 4 would be super fun.”

Everything Trevor said is correct in a way. After Dead Space 2 was released, Dead Space 3 left gamers with a sour taste in their mouths. After being such a highly anticipated game in the franchise, it didn’t turn out to be as good as either of the first two games. This could have been one of many reasons we never got the chance at Dead Space 4. However, just like Trevor Gureckis hints at, the Dead Space Remake was a way to get that sour taste out of everyone’s mouth from Dead Space 3 and get them back on board with the Dead Space Remake and that is exactly what has happened so far. The Dead Space franchise has risen from the dead, so now would be the perfect time to get continue the story of Isaac Clarke in a fourth installment.

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Regardless of Dead Space 4 or a Dead Space 2 Remake, there will be plenty more Dead Space video game content down the line. EA Motive know exactly how loved this franchise is and how much love the remake is getting to just have the franchise die once again a decade later. There are a lot of different routes that can be taken, it just becomes a question of which route is the one that EA Motive is going to be taking in the near future. What are your thoughts? Would you rather see a Dead Space 2 Remake or a brand-new Isaac Clarke journey in Dead Space 4?