Pokemon Sword and Shield: How to Catch Regigigas in Crown Tundra


If you managed to gather all five of the Regis, you can use them to get Regigigas in Pokemon Sword and Shield, the biggest toughest Regi that Nintendo has given us since Fils-Aimé.

Oh, you thought you had all the Regis, did you? Nope. There’s one more and it’s a doozy. First off, before we begin, it’s important that you read my article on how to catch the other Regis. Even if you know how, you still need you to read it because I’m very clever and I love the validation of knowing people have seen my words. Do it for me.

Anyway, we’re going to go ahead and assume you have all five of the other Gigas because you need them. Not all four. All five. This can be a little tricky because the game only lets you have four. When you get to the “Split Decision Ruins” it forces you to choose either Regieleki or Regidrago. You can’t have both. The only reason I have all five is that I borrowed my son’s copy of Pokemon Sword and played enough to get a Regieleki that I can transfer to myself via Pokemon Home.

Pokemon Sword and Shield: How to Catch Regigigas in Crown Tundra

If you don’t have two copies of the game, you’ll need to talk to a buddy. Buddies are those things that we used to talk to before the pandemic but I promise, they still exist and they’re just as bored as you.

Once you have all five, get them in your party. They don’t need to be in the first spot. I wouldn’t recommend it anyway because Regigigas is going to be level 100 and your other Regis are going to be at 70.

Once you got your party set up, fly to this spot at the bottom of the Snowslide Slope where the Watt Trader is.


Once you get there, head south and curve right. Almost immediately afterward you’ll find a used Raid Well surrounded by four rocks like seen here.

Pokemon Sword and Shield: How to Catch Regigigas in Crown Tundra

Once you go up to it, it’ll glow faintly and ask if you’d like to investigate the well. You know you do so go ahead and pick “Yes.” From there you’ll get pulled into a Raid type battle with Regigigas.

Pokemon Sword and Shield: How to Catch Regigigas in Crown Tundra

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Bad news, good news, great news. The bad news is that Regigigas is incredibly powerful and level 100. The good news is that Regigigas only has one ability which is “Slow Start” which cuts its stats in half for the first five moves. The GREAT news is that because of the raid format the battle takes place in, it has a 100% catch rate meaning you can catch it in whatever ball you want. I ended up using a “Friend Ball” just because I felt it matched it’s visual aesthetic. Anywho. Once you got it, that’s it. You officially got yourself all six Regis. Until they add more at least.

Now, use your free time to catch those legendary birds or the Swords of Justice or do up Halloween right with a Spiritomb. or even pay a visit to my least favorite Pokemon of all time.