Professor Sonia returns in the Crown Tundra to set you off searching for the Legendary Swords of Justice. Here’s how to find all four pokemon.
You’ve explored Crown Tundra, you’ve finished the Calyrex storyline, somewhere, someone in your Pokemon boxes lies your new, massive headed Pokemon. But that’s not at all there is to do and see in the Crown Tundra.
Oh, no. While Peony has you looking for the Regis and the Legendary Birds, someone else shows up in town the first time you leave Freezington. Remember Professor Sonia? Yup. She comes to town with her own research mission.

She said that there’s rumored of legendary Pokemon in the area but she can’t track them down so she needs you to find signs of their activity. This involves heading out and finding enough footprints where she can track down where they live. And getting these three equals a fourth so let’s get into finding these Swords of Justice starting with their leader, Cobalion.

Catching Cobalion
Cobalion is the defacto leader of the Swords of Justice and one of the easier ones to find. To do so, head on down to the Frigid Sea and check there and the neighboring locals for footprints. You’ll need to find 50, it’ll tell you when you have enough so you don’t need to keep tabs on it. A good thing to remember is that when you find footprints, it’ll usually make another set or two spawn nearby so don’t be afraid to spin the camera about sometimes. Cobalion is one of the easiest because the areas are so narrow that it’s really hard to miss them.
Once you’ve found all the footprints, head back to Sonia and have her scan them, then return to the area. In the middle of the Frigid Sea there’s an island that slopes upwards. Cross the water and go up the island. Near the top, you’ll spot the Steel/Fighting-type Cobalion walking around and just living its best life.
The battle is pretty simple just make sure you’re not weak to fighting type because it loves Close Combat. Once you caught it, head on back to Sonia for a prize and get ready for the next Sword of Justice, Virizion.