Pokemon Sword and Shield: How to Catch Spiritomb


Just in time for Halloween, we help you find the mysterious Pokemon ‘Spiritomb’. Luckily it’s a lot easier to get than it used to be.

I’ll be real, I didn’t even know that Spiritomb was in this game. I’ve covered the Regis, I’ve covered the Legendary Birds, I’m working on others, but I didn’t think Spiritomb was in here. Then, while looking for footprints in order to unlock the Swords of Justice, I was traversing the southern coast of the Crown Tundra when at the bottom Southeast corner I found a tombstone near a tree. Which, out of all the things you can find by a tree, tombstones are usually the most surprising.

Upon investigating it, I was told that there were words carved into the rock. Words that read:

“Spread my voice,” it says. Luckily, I played both Diamond AND Platinum so I already knew what this meant but I’m pretty sure some newcomers were pretty confused. This is the grave of the weird ghost type Pokemon Spiritomb.

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Now, back in the day, it was a little tricky to get it. You needed an item called an “Odd Keystone” and then you needed to go and investigate 32 separate player’s bases. This absolutely SUCKED as online play in those games was a nightmare. Afterward, you had to make your way back to its grave and use the Odd Keystone to summon the Pokemon. It’s SO much simpler now.

First off, you don’t need an Odd Keystone. Secondly, you just need to talk to 32 different people. If you find a popular spot and make sure you’re online, you’ll find 32 people in no time. Just talk to them and keep track of the number in your head. You can go over but…why would you if you don’t have to. I picked the spot where the Terrakoin spawns.

Once that happens, head back to the tombstone and you’ll see Spiritomb just sitting there and chilling. Run into it and the encounter will start.

Afterward, you capture it, that’s it. You caught it. For a tiny bit of closure, go ahead and read the tombstone a second time to see the inscription has changed. Nice little ghost story just in time for Halloween.