Nintendo Direct Mini leaks new features for Pokemon Sword and Shield

An update on the new downloadable content for Pokemon Sword and Shield in the recent Nintendo Direct shared what is going to be introduced to the game.

A recent Nintendo Direct Mini brought the attention of announcing new games, such as Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Editon releasing spring of this year. The video ended on focusing on the future downloadable-content available for Pokemon Sword and Shield that will first be available at the start of summer. The closing minutes shared what will first be available to trainers, regardless of where they are in either version of the game. Many secrets await trainers as they will be looking forward to playing the Isle of Armor with the first of the two DLCs.

The video first began sharing what new Gigantamax Forms will be available, and it was revealed to be fully evolved forms of the starter Pokemon from the Galar region. Depending on which starter Pokemon you began the file of Sword or Shield, your Pokemon can have a G-Max form at the fully evolved stage; of the three Rillaboom, Cinderace, or Inteleon. Rillaboom’s G-Max move is Drum Solo as he plays away on his drum set with a powerful Grass-type move. Cinderace’s G-Max move is Fireball enhanced from any Fire-type move, as the finishing move is a soccer-like play. Hydrosnipe is the G-Max move Inteleon uses with a Water-type enhancer that could take a Hydro Pump to a whole new level! These powerful moves are for sure to come in handy when encountering Pokemon in Gigantamx raids in the wild area of Galar.

The Nintendo Direct mini also brought more attention to the new storyline with the legendary Fighting-type Pokemon you receive with Kubfu. The Pokemon is destined to be the player’s partner fighting off the challenges that are to be encountered on the Isle of Armor. The path on how the player trains the Kobfu they receive will have the Pokemon evolve into two separate forms. Kobfu will evolve into Urshifu depending on what tower you climb to complete the storyline of the DLC; the Tower of Two Fists. Single Strike Style Urshifu will evolve if the Pokemon is trained in the Tower of Darkness and will be a Fighting/Dark-type, while Rapid Strike Style Urshifu will evolve if the Pokemon is trained in the Tower of Waters and will be a Fighting/Water-type. It is assumed that each final evolution will learn moves that are enhancing for each form and will be another collector’s envy to have one of each evolutionary forms.

The video also included new features from the DLC that the player can customize with their player in the game. The character now has a variety of outfits they can dress their character like from non-playable characters in the game. You can dress the trainer as Chairman Rose or even look like rival Marnie and be an identical twin. There are also new designs to customize trainer cards to look more unique. New graphics, effects, and backgrounds will be available for their card to look more appealing whenever trainers trade or battle each other! The significant details that a trainer can customize for their character in Sword and Shield bring a new level of building a connection between the game and the player.

As the date moves closer to the release of the first DLC to be available this summer, there will most likely be more features leaked by the Pokemon Company soon. The scheduled release for the Isle of Armor is scheduled to be at the end of June 2020. This Nintendo Direct Mini shared no new information on the second DLC available later this year with The Crown Tundra. The release date scheduled for the second DLC has circled the end of autumn 2020. This is the first time the franchise has ever made DLC available for players to take advantage of, and trainers cannot wait to play them when they are available upon their release dates.

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