TFT Beta Pass V3 coming with patch 9.20, here’s what’s new

Riot Games
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The third beta pass for Teamfight Tactics (TFT) will run for five weeks and offer icons, emotes, arena chromas and more.

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) patch 9.19 marked the last of the major gameplay changes for “Set 1” of the popular strategic auto-battler, but Riot Games isn’t quite ready to begin with the first official season of ranked competitive play.

As previously explained by design director Andrei “Meddler” van Roon, TFT‘s official preseason won’t actually begin until November 19 with patch 9.23. Over the next couple of weeks, Riot will shed light on their goals for preseason and talk a bit more about what to expect in terms of changes ahead of the first official ranked season. So technically, we’ve got a few more weeks left in this “beta” stage of TFT as Riot continues to balance and tweak the game. And to keep players busy with at least some sort of goal and purpose, they are introducing a new Beta Pass.

TFT Beta Pass V.3 will go live with patch 9.20 on Wednesday, October 9 and run for the next five weeks, ending with the start of patch 9.22 (Wednesday, November 6, 2019).  The new Beta Pass will work similarly to the current one, offering weekly missions that you can complete to earn XP. As you level up, you’ll unlock exclusive rewards.

Missions will be mostly the same. You’ll get a total of six missions each week. Two missions require you to play a certain number of TFT games. Two are considered “easy challenges” that can be completed in a single session. The final two are considered “more difficult, requiring your to complete something challenging or stretching your understanding of rules of strategy within Teamfight Tactics.”

Because of the shortened period, Beta Pass V.3 will actually require less XP to unlock all of the rewards. There’s a total of 5,760 XP that you can earn over the four week period, but you only need 4,000 XP to unlock all of the rewards. In total, Beta Pass V.3 will offer the “Storm Rift” arena chroma, two new emotes, and three new icons.

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The Orb of Enlightenment will still offer you 70 XP for logging in plus 10 additional XP for each of your next five games, for a max total of 120 XP every day. This means you can earn 3,360 XP just by logging in and finishing five games. The rest should be easily earned by completing even just the easier of the missions.

Riot is also lowering the number for the two missions requiring you to play a certain number of games. You’ll now only have to play 6 games to Stage 3-6, followed by 10 games to Stage 3-6. That’s a total of 7 less games per week required. Riot also lowered the stage requirement you need to reach because they don’t want to penalize you for taking a gamble on a team comp and potentially getting eliminated early.

Related Story. TFT: Beta Pass V2 end date and preseason schedule. light

TFT Beta Pass V.3 will go live on Wednesday, October 9 with patch 9.20. That means you still have a bit more time to finish up any remaining missions you have for the current V.2 pass to unlock this season’s exclusive rewards. As a “special thanks,” anyone who participated in Beta Pass V.2 will receive a Set 1 Little Legends egg.

Be sure to check back later this week as Riot celebrates the 10th Anniversary of League of Legends, and talks a bit more about the future of Teamfight Tactics. Looking even further down the line, Riot has plans to launch an actual competitive scene for TFT sometime in 2020. But first, let’s get to preseason in November.