TFT Beta Pass V.2 now live: How to earn all of the rewards

Riot Games
Riot Games

With the release of patch 9.16, the new Beta Pass for Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is now live. Here are the details, including the free rewards and how to earn them.

The second Teamfight Tactics (TFT) beta pass has arrived. If you’ve been playing TFT for a while then you’ve probably been waiting eagerly for its return. But if you’re relatively new to the game, here’s a quick rundown of what it is.

The beta pass is similar to what other games would call a “season pass.” It offers players cosmetic rewards, such as icons, maps and emotes for completing in-game challenges. However, TFT technically still in a beta, which explains the name. Like the game itself, Riot is using these early months to work out any kinks in the system.

Not much has changed in this second iteration of the beta pass. You still level up your pass by completing in-game challenges and earning experience. The challenges vary from playing a particular unit class to reaching a certain point in a match.

There are a total of six icons, three map chromas and four emotes available to unlock. In total, these cost 6,800 XP to unlock them all. With the beta pass starting with patch 9.16 and ending with patch 9.20 (slated for October 9), you have the potential to earn a total of 9,280 XP over the eight weeks. So there is a bit of leeway if you aren’t able to play every day.

TFT - Teamfight Tactics beta pass v2
Riot Games

To obtain this XP, you must complete missions (aka in-game challenges). Each week will present you with six missions, two of which are considered “relatively easy” and should only require one session. Another two will be based on “completing a certain number of games.” The final two are considered “more difficult” and require you “to complete something challenging or stretch your understanding of rules or strategy within Teamfight Tactics.” Missions will rotate every week, so if you are unable to complete one, you’ll only miss out on that experience for a week.

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While much of the beta pass is the same, Riot has reworked the Orb of Enlightenment. You’ll now be rewarded 70 XP for logging in, plus 10 additional XP for each of your next five games. This gives you the potential to earn 120 XP every day by simply logging in and playing five games. Spread over the course of eight weeks (56 days), you have the potential to earn 6,720 XP – almost the amount required to unlock all of the rewards.

TFT - Teamfight Tactics beta pass v2
Riot Games

Your best bet to unlocking these rewards is simple: play the game and don’t worry about it. As I mentioned, by playing consistently, you’ll likely complete at least four of the weekly missions, not including the “difficult” ones. Add that with the daily XP bonuses and you should have no problem unlocking the 13 rewards.

As of right now, the beta pass for TFT is free. This could change in the future, however, since it does provide a path for Riot Games to monetize the newest League of Legends game mode.