God of War Ragnarok: Best way to use your Shattered Runes


God of War Ragnarok has captivated the gaming world ever since the game was first announced. When God of War Ragnarok finally was released, it did not disappoint by any means. Gamers were able to dive right in and claim their pre-order bonuses and get their show on the road. There are so many Realms and areas to explore that it is only a matter of time before you start collecting Shattered Runes.

You will collect Shattered Runes by accident and in abundance as you travel through the nine Realms throughout the course of the game. There are many different ways you will acquire Shattered Runes, but you will notice that Shattered Runes do not have a giant purpose. Breaking objects, opening chests, looting corpses, treasure maps, and defeating enemies are just some of the ways you might start collecting this useless item. However, they may not be as useless as people think they are.

Hacksilver is one of the most important resources in God of War Ragnarok. Hacksilver will serve as a way to upgrade a lot of your items and gear, hence why Hacksilver is one of the most important resources that one can have. The more Hacksilver that you have, the better off you may be in the long run.

With that being said, the best way to utilize your Shattered Runes is just to simply sell them for Hacksilver at any Dwarf Shop. Once you have made it over to the Dwarf Shop, you can head over to the sell section and begin selling your Shattered Runes in abundance. For every 50 Shattered Runes that you sell in the shop, you will get a total of 5,000 Hacksilver. 5,000 Hacksilver is not a bad chunk of change, especially in that it will allow you to upgrade your items and gear.

As you progress further into God of War Ragnarok and your level starts to increase, the cost for upgrades with Hacksilver with naturally go up in price. By selling your Shattered Runes, you will be able to get a lot of extra Hacksilver in your back pocket for when the time comes to upgrade. Not only that, but you never know when you might need some extra upgrades to complete a tough Favor or Quest.

Since Shattered Runes are so common, you will have no struggle to make a lot of extra Hacksilver in the Dwarf Shop. There is really no other purpose for this item in the game. So, when you notice that you have Shattered Runes in bulk, head over to the Shop and get the most bang for your buck. Because Shattered Runes can be sold for Hacksilver, they actually aren’t as meaningless as people make them out to be.