Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Nature Day is in full bloom


The Nature Day event has kicked off in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, bringing the arrival of Leif and bushes. Here’s what that means!

Today, April 23rd, the super happy Nature Day has started in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The event goes into early May and it brings with it a bunch of cool features and makes the game somehow happier.

When you start, Isabelle greets you and explains that it’s Nature Day and how long the event is going on for. This was made extra nice for me because the Nook’s finished upgrading the shop, so I had that mixed in with the greeting which went nice with the morning coffee.

From there I headed to the square where Leif was waiting by his cart. I’ve met him in past games so I already knew the American version is very much inspired by Bob Ross; but, he’s more Bob Ross than ever in New Horizons. He told me how happy he was I could make it today and told me about happy trees.

He explained to me that my island is a canvas and I’m doing it right as long as it makes me happy. Then he sold me a bunch of awesome plants. That last bit isn’t something Bob Ross ever did but I’d happily buy anything he was growing. Take that as you will.

I purchased a ton of roses but, more importantly, I bought shrubs. Shrubs are the big thing Leif is bringing to the table. They work a lot like fences except you have to grow them and they sometimes look a lot better — especially on windy days when the leaves are swaying. I probably bought over 100 shrubs, no joke. My island is going to be lush.

I then went to check my northern beach. I kept hearing that the Redd was supposed to be here today but when I went, nothing. Sad face. So I started on my daily routine of selling fruit and digging up fossils.

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When I donated the fossils to Blathers he told me some exciting news. He said that the museum was expanding and would soon include a wing for displaying art. That’s awesome. I loved the art sections in the past museum even though they took FOREVER to fill. I figured that this was a cue that might trigger Redd to appear so I went back to the northern beach. Still nothing. Sad mask on sad face.

Upon looking into it I’ve discovered that now that Blathers has talked to me about art, Redd will show up on my island on the following day and, as I refuse to time travel, that’s not happening today.

Stay tuned for that article tomorrow. In the meantime, this gives me plenty of time to turn my happy little island into a happy little paradise and I really hope Leif gets a permanent shop fixture as I’m happy he could be here today…and every day.