The Division 2 Title Update 3 and Operation Dark Hours raid delayed until May


Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Title Update 3, which includes Operation Dark Hours, has been pushed back while Ubisoft fixes bugs related to Title Update 2.

Ubisoft has announced that Title Update 3 for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 has been pushed back. Originally slated to arrive on April 25, the massive update has now been pushed back to May. A specific day was not announced.

The cause of the delay was nothing major, in particular. Rather, Ubisoft is aiming to first address issues stemming from the recently released Title Update 2, which introduced the Tidal Basin stronghold. According to Ubisoft, they’ve received “a lot of feedback” following the update.

Since The Division 2’s launch, Ubisoft has made it a point to first fix issues with the live game before implementing new content. Title Update 2 and Tidal Basin was the first real update to introduce substantial post-launch content to The Division 2, so naturally, there are some issues to address. Ubisoft hasn’t committed to a specific date for Title Update 3 since its release will be “based on results from further testing and balancing of the game.”

“Operation Dark Hours will be your biggest challenge to date, and we want to make sure that we’ve properly tested the large amount of balance changes that are coming to both PvE and PvP and listen to your feedback about the changes before introducing the raid,” the developer said on their blog.

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While the release of new content will almost always bring unexpected issues, Ubisoft is “committed to improve the quality of all upcoming updates.” As of today, the Public Test Server for The Division 2 is now live on PC. This will allow players to test updates and balance changes before they are released on the live server, hopefully resulting in fewer problems when an update is released.

The PTS is available to anyone through Uplay for anyone who owns The Division 2 on PC. You can hop in now and test out new features and fixes coming with Title Update 3. Operation Dark Hours is not playable on the PTS as to avoid any potential spoilers from leaking ahead of its official launch.

As previously detailed, Operation Dark Hours is an eight-player raid that “will test the teamwork of the most experienced agents.” Much of the raid is being kept under wraps, but we’ll hopefully find out more in the coming days and weeks.