How to play Pokemon GO in landscape orientation

Did you know that you can play Pokemon GO in landscape orientation? It’s easy, though it may be time-consuming to do every single time.

Even though Pokemon GO was designed for a portrait orientation in my phone, I always felt that the vertical direction of the view when walking around the map was a bit odd. After all, in a horizontal orientation, I would be able to see farther–meaning more Pokemon, gyms, and stops would be visible. But some clever players have figured out a quick and easy way to get Pokemon GO to swap to landscape orientation, even if it can be a bit exasperating to do every single time you open the app to play.

WWG has the details for iOS: When you open Pokemon GO, hold your device in landscape orientation. Once it’s open, keep it in landscape, and access the Settings option from the Menu. Select “Report High-Priority Issue,” causing Safari to open. Tap the Home button, then re-open Pokemon GO, and the game will be in landscape orientation until it is closed again.

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Android users don’t have a trick like this, but they actually have the better end of the deal via an app called Set Orientation available for free on Google Play. Set Orientation can be used to automatically put Pokemon GO or any app in landscape mode at any time, meaning you won’t have to replicate a little bug to get the app to do what you want.

Keep in mind, though, that Pokemon GO was not designed for a landscape orientation. Though players haven’t reported major problems, if you do spot something that doesn’t look quite right as a result of flipping the view, it’s possible that this was brought about by stretching the screen in odd ways. That said, it’s just a flip of your view, and normally, that shouldn’t cause trouble. Enjoy!