Cyberpunk 2077 has been released for what is going on over 3 years now. The beginning days of Cyberpunk 2077 started off a little rough. There were a lot of problems at launch and because of that, CD Projekt Red was losing lots of money. Gamers were requesting refunds for the game, investors were suing CD Projekt Red, and all the hype that the game had leading up to that point seemed completely lost. Luckily, over the past three years, things have taken a turn for the better, and Cyberpunk 2077 was able to stand on its own two feet.

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 has arrived and is available now
Over the last few years, Cyberpunk 2077 has gotten its fair share of updates. Many of these updates were mandatory so that CD Projekt Red can lift the game off its feet, but the game overall has come a very long way.
Back in September, we were also introduced to Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Phantom Liberty would go on to be the first and only expansion that the game would receive, and that is not going to change.
With the game clearly on the downswing and CD Projekt Red focusing on other future projects, Cyberpunk 2077 has received its last major update that is titled Update 2.1.
Even though Update 2.1 is going to be the last major update for the video game, CD Projekt Red is going out with a bang. According to the Patch Notes, the final major update includes “some of the most-requested features, such as the NCART metro, radioport, repeatable car races, hangouts with romantic interests, cats, and more!”

Update 2.1 New Features
- V’s issue with their NCART City Pass is resolved and they can now travel between the 19 metro stations located throughout Night City on 5 different lines via fast travel or riding the train itself while gazing out the window and watching the world go by.
- V will now be able to invite their love interest to spend some time together in any of the apartments. Hangouts are a repeatable, unlimited event that become available once the romance path with a given character has concluded.
- You can now listen to the radio while on foot (or while riding the NCART train) using the new Radioport feature. Available while you explore, it switches seamlessly to car radio whenever you get in a vehicle and turns off when quest-specific music starts playing. It is now also possible to adjust the volume directly in the radio window.
- Added replayable car races V can take part in after finishing The Beast in Me. Look for race flag icons on the map and win the races to get eddies and a discount for the Autofixer website. Additionally, we improved the racers’ AI to make them more competitive and made enhancements so that the whole experience is much more fun!
- Sightseeing binoculars in various scenic spots have been added as another way to appreciate Night City’s vistas.
While the final update for any video game is always bittersweet, it just means that CD Projekt Red has so much more in store for their fans.
CD Projekt Red is currently working on the next installment in The Witcher franchise, and a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077. There are not many details on these games yet by CD Projekt Red, but the hopes are that they will knock each of them out of the park and have a much better start than Cyberpunk 2077 did.
What new games are you most excited about from CD Projekt Red, and what do you think about the final major update (Update 2.1) in Cyberpunk 2077?