Diablo IV is a massive game with tons of customization that is given to its players. This also means that there are a ton of different builds that can be created to take down various monsters throughout the game. Obviously, the goal is to create a build that is extremely powerful so that you can progress through the game without dying too often. Some of the most powerful builds you can create come in the form of ice builds. To make ice builds even better, you can obtain Glacier Aspect to add to some of your items.
How to fFnd Glacier Aspect in Diablo IV
If you are a sorcerer who is using an ice build in Diablo IV, you may want to consider making your build even better by searching for Glacier Aspect. Glacier Aspect is an enhancement for sorcerers using an ice build.
When you reach the end of your Diablo IV journey, you are going to be looking for ways to make your character and builds stronger. If you are an ice sorcerer, there is a good chance you will be using the Blizzard ability. If this sounds like something you would use, you might want to consider finding Glacier Aspect.
Glacier Aspect creates ice shards every once in a while, when you use your Blizzard ability. These ice shards from the Glacier Aspect creates so much extra damage because the shards deal 20%-30% more damage to all enemies that are frozen. This is a ton of extra damage you can have just by using Glacier Aspect.
Glacier Aspect might not be easiest to find because it can only be found on Legendary items. What this means is that you need to go out and find a Legendary item with Glacier Aspect on it in Diablo IV. You may get lucky and find one right away, or it may take quite a while before you have onc ein your possession.
Once you have found a Legendary item with Glacier Aspect on it, you need to take that item to an Occultist so that you can extract the Glacier Aspect off of the item. Once you have extracted the Glacier Aspect from the Legendary item, you can add it to one of your items that you are currently using.
Before you jump the gun, make sure that the item you are adding the Glacier Aspect to is the one you want to have it added to fore sure. Once you add Glacier Aspect to an item in Diablo IV, you aren’t going to be able to keep extracting it and reusing it on other items. If you want a bunch of your items to have Glacier Aspect on them, you will have to find a handful of Legendary items to extract Glacier Aspect from.
Once you have Glacier Aspect on the item of your choice, you will see a clear change in increased damage. If you are using a sorcerer ice build in the first place, you might as well try out the Glacier Aspect and see if it is something you like. Chances are, you will become a big fan and want more Glacier Aspect on more of your items.