Title: Metroid Prime Remastered
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Nintendo Switch (reviewed on)
Release Date: February 8, 2023
When I was offered the chance to play Metroid Prime Remastered directly after the recent Nintendo Direct, I nearly collapsed. I loved the original Prime series back in the day and all I’ve wanted from Nintendo was the chance to play the games once again with dual-stick controls. And I got that and then some.
For those unfamiliar, Metroid Prime was first released over 20 years ago. While even the original has aged really well but the remaster is phenomenal. Bosses are clean and full of detail. Enemies and environments are rich and detailed, and it is still atmospheric as all hell.
I was also very happy to be jump scared by the exact same effect that had done so in the original; when you first off an explosion too close to you and you get Samus’s face reflected in the visor. It’s a feature that also jump scared me in the game Her Story, the first time I saw the protagonist’s face on the monitor reflection. It’s a cool effect that constantly reminds you that you’re in Samus’s world.
It’s still remarkably fun to play as well. Locking on and strafing is still satisfying. The auto-aim is heavy but I’m not complaining as there are some really swift enemies in the game and dual sticks on the Joy-Cons is not something my hands like to do. You can also switch to a variety of other control options like the motion controls from the Wii or a hybrid of both. But I don’t play video games to be active so I’m team dual-sticks.
My only complaint with this remaster is a 100% “me problem”. I’ve been spoiled by games with a ton of accessibility features. I get lost all the time. I kept reflexively hopping into the map trying to add a waypoint I couldn’t add because that wasn’t a thing that games regularly had.
I would have loved to see it added. I mean, her suit is that advanced but can’t offer me a GPS-style series of waypoints to get me from point A to point B? Stop being my dad and just ask for some damned directions Samus, there’s no harm in looking up help.
One cool thing they added that I love is the ability to turn on the narration from the other versions of the game outside of America that had narration. You don’t get a lot of it but when you do, get ready for some space-faring slam poetry.
I do have one mystery that no one seems to have confirmed yet, however. In the original Metroid Prime there was another Metroid Game on the Game Boy Advance called Metroid Fusion. When you beat Metroid Fusion, you could link your GBA to the Gamecube with a special cable and unlock the ability to play using the excellent Fusion Suit in Metroid Prime. It didn’t offer any changes gameplay-wise beyond looking different, but I just love the Fusion Suit.

Obviously, you can’t link a GBA to a Switch and even if you could I can’t imagine the number of people that could just up and do that WITH a working copy of Metroid Fusion beaten would be in the triple digits. But I have a theory.
The same day Metroid Prime Remastered was available so was the GBA channel which allows you to play Game Boy Advance games on your Switch. What if Metroid Fusion comes out on that channel and the beating of said game unlocks it in Metroid Prime?
In the collection for the Wii, there was also the ability to acquire the suit from the “Extras” menu when you beat the game for the first time. I’ve seen plenty of other people beat it already and they haven’t unlocked a dang thing (unless they haven’t looked).

But even without the Fusion suit, this is a hell of a remaster. The game is gorgeous, the controls are fun, and it’s one of those rare experiences where a remaster of a game brings me the same level of joy as the original. If you were a fan of the original, it is absolutely worth snagging this.
Metroid Prime Remastered (Nintendo Switch) Score: 10/10
Metroid Prime was already a fantastic game in a fantastic series but the remaster is a complete labor of love. Cleaned up, detailed, and given a performance overhaul the game is one of those rare moments where a remaster doesn’t destroy the image of a game you have in your head via “nostalgia goggles.” It feels like a modern entry into the series that’s both welcoming for new and returning players alike.