The fourth sneak peek for the upcoming October update for Clash of Clans was revealed today. And while this update will introduce Town Hall 15, the new Recall Spell will actually be unlocked at Town Hall 13.
Before we get into the details of how the Recall Spell works and what it means for Clash of Clans, check out the reveal trailer below.
The video does a pretty good job of explaining how the Recall Spell works. When used, the Recall Spell allows you to remove units from the battlefield and redeploy them elsewhere on the map. While you may be able to save a troop from death, any damage dealt or status effects applied to them will remain when they are recalled.
Supercell referred to this spell as a game changer, and they are quite right. There are so many situations in which this spell can be utilized. Responding to the excitement on Reddit, even community manager Darian Vorlick offered an enticing example:
"Imagine saving a Recall for that 99% 2-Star attack where there’s just a single Building on the far side of the map when you have just seconds left in the attack."
But even beyond dealing with the annoyance of a building on the far side of the map, the Recall Spell has many other uses. My immediate thought comes to Balloons and using them to wipe out defensive structures on one side of the map, then recalling them and placing them on another side of the map with defensive structures. But I’m sure pro players and those with way more skill than me will find many other uses for the Recall Spell that will absolutely evolve the meta.
As for how it works, the amount of units you can recall is determined by the Housing Space limit of each level of the Recall Spell. Troops, Heroes and Hero Pets can all be recalled. Heroes will count as 25 Housing Space, while Hero Pets will count as 20 Housing Space. Siege Machines can not be recalled.
Here are the specific details for each level of the Recall Spell:
Level 1
- Upgrade Cost: N/A
- Upgrade Time: N/A
- Recalled Housing Space: 72
- Required Lab Level: N/A
Level 2
- Upgrade Cost: 7.5M Elixir
- Upgrade Time: 11.5d
- Recalled Housing Space: 78
- Required Lab Level: 11
Level 3
- Upgrade Cost: 14M Elixir
- Upgrade Time: 15.5d
- Recalled Housing Space: 84
- Required Lab Level: 12
Level 4
- Upgrade Cost: 17.5M Elixir
- Upgrade Time: 17.5d
- Recalled Housing Space: 90
- Required Lab Level: 13
To recap, here are some of the other additions coming with Town Hall 15 in the October 2022 update for Clash of Clans:
The October 2022 update is shaping up to be the largest Town Hall update Supercell has ever done. And they aren’t done yet. Check back tomorrow for the next sneak peek with the teaser: “Whoa mommy…what we reveal tomorrow will titanically SHOCK you.”