Pokemon Sword and Shield: How to catch the Legendary Birds in the Crown Tundra

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Catching Articuno

The Galarian Articuno is the biggest jerk of all of them but the easiest to find. Probably because it’s messing with you. To find it, simply fly to the bottom of the Snowslide Slope in the Crown Tundra and it’ll swoop over your head dramatically.

Follow it, sticking to the right as it’ll fake you out a little with some mild left turns and eventually you hit a dead end with some trees where it’ll be waiting for you. It’ll then split into three and immediately one will taunt you. Pay attention to that one as they start to spin around each other because that’s the real one.

Here’s the funny thing though, if you goof you can still catch it easily. Articuno has a big of an ego so it’ll teleport away but it’ll teleport back really quick and taunt you. But it always appears in the same spot to do this.

If you mess up and they all disappear just back away from the trees a bit and you’ll almost absolutely plow into it. It happened to me every time I went after it.

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Once you’re in a battle with it though you need to be really careful. While Articuno works hard to taunt you, it puts almost zero work into self-preservation so it’s going to be hailing, something it’s not built for.

Over the course of the battle it’s going to keep getting hurt by hail so maybe save yourself some hassle and bring in a Pokemon with the weather changing conditions or you’ll probably see this thing knock itself out before you catch it.

Once you caught it though, congrats, you caught yourself the entire trio of legendary birds!