Catching Zapdos
Out of the three new birds, Zapdos is easily my favorite. Not only do I love the existence of a legendary emu, but it’s super fun to catch.
First thing’s first, you’re gonna fly over to the Meet Up Point at the southernmost end of the Wild Lands. The place you were the first time you got to see the Wild Lands. As you enter, you’re more than likely going to spot it as it will be pretty near. I had to chase it down three times as I kept accidentally beating it and two of those times it was there, the other time it was a bit farther north.
Before you start on this, make sure your bike is fully upgraded. It should be by now regardless but if it isn’t fix your mistake right now or this just won’t happen for you.
Get on your bike and head after it. The moment it notices you before you get close, it will take off in a cloud of smoke so inspired you’ll practically hear the “MEEP MEEP” coming from it but no matter how fast, keep chasing it and stay out of the grass. There’s too many Pokemon that’ll just get in your way.
As you keep chasing it you’ll start to notice beads of sweat coming off of it as it gets tired and it’ll start to get slower and the distance between you and it will decrease until it will either stop or you plow right into it. Whistling if you’re super close can also make it occasionally stop and look around but that’s not as fun.

The battle itself, like for all of these, is good as long as you plan ahead. Zapdos is fighting type so make sure you got something with a good general offense and for goodness sake don’t be rock or you may as well be handing it a sacrifice.
This one was oddly easy to catch though I think I just got lucky. A repeat ball (I tried it because I had the regular Zapdos in my party and I was curious) almost worked but it broke out after the third wiggle and then an Ultra Ball on the third turn caught it. Again, I think it was just luck though. But keep at it.

After that, we’re going after the third and final of the trio. Articuno.