October events happening in Pokemon GO

Photo: Pokemon GO Halloween In-Game Events key Art, Courtesy Niantic PR and The Pokemon Company
Photo: Pokemon GO Halloween In-Game Events key Art, Courtesy Niantic PR and The Pokemon Company

Pokemon Go has a lot planned for trainers during the month of October. From celebrating autumn to spooky events in Halloween, plenty to do for trainers!

October has just begun and there are a handful of in-game events scheduled for Pokemon Go for the entire month. With the month notoriously known for spooky events that lead up to Halloween, the creators at Niantic do not shy away for their admiration in the holiday season. Ghost-type Pokemon have always appeared more frequently in the past in Pokemon Go, and that trend will be sure to continue. Pokemon that do now share the same typing also express their admiration for the festive season, so some Pokemon will be dressed up in special edition versions of themselves. There are several events to unpack for the month of October, and the Viridian Forest is excited to share it with you trainers!

Special October Raid Events

Five-star raids featuring different Pokemon over a short-time frame continue to roll out in special promotions in Pokemon Go. Moltres is the last of the Legendary Birds to be featured in Legendary Raids from Oct 2nd to Oct 9th, finishing the time frame that the three birds were available. The Birds being featured have been hinting at the release of a new expansion pass in Pokemon Sword and Shield where the exact Pokemon will receive Galarian forms in the Crown Tundra. It is quite possible that these Galarian forms of the Legendary Bird Trio will make an appearance in Pokemon Go in the near future; especially with the leak of Pokemon Home having access to Pokemon Go by the end of the year.

Since October celebrates Ghost-type Pokemon, a Legendary Ghost Pokemon is always thrilling to make a wicked tale for trainers to tell over the holidays. Oring Form Giratina will be available in five-star raids from Oct 9th to Oct 23rd; which follows just when Moltres is done being featured in the same raids. Origin Form Giratina is known as being a terror in the Distortion World in Pokemon Platinum, it is only haunting enough to feature the Pokemon during the spooky season of Halloween. Trainers that encounter the Pokemon enough times in raids could possibly encounter a shiny version of Giratina, which would be exceptional to have for the shiny collectors in Pokemon Go

Another special raid event is scheduled to follow after the dates of Origin Form Giratina. A surprise is waiting for trainers from Oct. 23rd through the remainder of the month and possibly into November. Anticipating that the date follows the release of the Crown Tundra, this could possibly feature a special Pokemon that only is available in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Some can even make the prediction that it will be a new Mega Evolution to be announced for Halloween. A surprise to be sure, and a welcoming event that trainers can look forward to.

Spotlight Hours in October

Tuesday Spotlight Hours acts like a miniature version of Community Day, featuring a Pokemon in the spotlight with a bonus incentive that is available between 6 and 7 p.m. based on where the trainer is playing Pokemon Go. For the month of October, the trainer can encounter some festive Pokemon. During the first two weeks of the month, trainers can encounter a special edition of Pikachu wearing Ash’s hat from the animated series. On Oct. 6th, trainers can encounter a Pikachu with the World Cap and on Oct. 13th, trainers can encounter Pikachu with the Original Cap. Both days will have a bonus with double experience points and double catch points, respectively. On Oct 20th, trainers can encounter Shuppet more frequently with the bonus of double transfer candy. On Oct 27th, trainers can encounter Duskull will be the last one of the month with the bonus including double evolution candy. All of these events will give trainers the opportunity to encounter more of these Pokemon in their shiny form as well.

Niantic Anniversary Event with Season Changings

Niantic is proud to announce its five-year anniversary as a company with something special to celebrate with trainers. During the weekend of Oct 9th to Oct 12th, there will be a special themed autumn event that will contain special field and timed research. Over the course of the weekend, more berries will be distributed from Gyms and PokeStops to celebrate the season of harvest. There will be some special themed Pokemon available that fit the themes of autumn, including the opportunity to encounter a shiny Vulpix. A new Pokemon that will be making its debut in the app is Deerling, the Season Pokemon. Deerling has four versions of itself that are known to change along with the seasons; could this mean that each season features the different versions of Deerling? This event will only be for a short-timed frame, trainers, so be sure to be on the lookout!

October Community Day featuring Charmander

Charmander was voted to be selected as a Pokemon in the spotlight for Community Day on Oct 17th. Between the hours of 11 am and 5 pm, Charmander will be appearing more frequently in the wild for trainers to encounter and evolve into a Charizard. Trainers who evolve their Charmeleon into a Charizard will learn the special Charged Attack: Dragon Breath, a decent move for e Fire-type to counter Dragon-type Pokemon. Both versions of Charizard has appeared in Mega Evolution Raid Battles, it is quite possible that trainers will encounter more of these raids during the hours of Community Day. Trainers will be on the lookout to capture a shiny Charmander, for a shiny Charizard is one of the most popular Pokemon to collect on any platform in Pokemon.

Pokemon 3 distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. (Photo by Warner Bros. Pictures)
Pokemon 3 distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. (Photo by Warner Bros. Pictures)

October has a solid amount of events for trainers to book in their calendar on select days during the month. From celebrating the events of autumn to the spooky season of Halloween, Niantic has been there to celebrate with trainers through Pokemon Go. For the events that take place over the month, it will interesting to see what will take place in November for trainers.