Animal Crossing: Use the Golden Watering Can on pumpkin crops


I’ve spent the last four days experimenting by growing pumpkins with the Golden Watering Can in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Here’s why…

With this month’s Fall update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players gained the ability to grow pumpkin patches. I hope you read the article I posted and absorbed the information I posted because now, four days later, I’ve confirmed something else to add to your internal knowledge compendium.

So, as I went over previously, when you buy pumpkin starts and plant them it takes four days for them to grow and be harvested. If you water them, there’s a possibility that they’ll grow into a cluster, allowing you to grow up to three pumpkins in a single spot. Me, I’m a little extra so I have been watering them every day with the Golden Watering Can.

And guess what I noticed? I got a whole patch of triples. Apparently, this pretty much confirms that using the Golden Watering Can on your pumpkin patch guarantees that you will grow triples. Sixty out of twenty pumpkins recommend it as the picture shows.

Now from here, I’m going to start cultivating and organizing. I’m a little sad that none of them became white pumpkins (as those are the ones I want most) but I did get a lot of greens and those are the rarest.

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So here’s what I’m going to do. I extended my patch so now instead of 5×4 it’s now 6×5 and I’ve made three columns of orange (since those are the ones you need to build things with) and then one column for yellow, one for green, and one row where I just planted starts in the hope I can get some whites.

As a reminder, the green, yellow and white pumpkins can be used for customizing. The white ones are particularly awesome because you can use them to make monochromatic versions of the Spooky furniture.

When you’re moving your crops around and planting new ones, it’s actually really easy. If you plant a pumpkin, it grows back as pumpkins of the same color. If I plant a green pumpkin and water it with the Golden Watering Can I will eventually get three of them. This allows me a nice looking organized crop.

And when you’re digging up the plants to rearrange them, don’t worry about getting them confused because it actually does a nice thing and lets you know in the inventory what color pumpkin your plant is going to grow along with the size of the plant.

So now that we know that, it’s probably time to start hitting rocks again because we’re going to be going through a bunch of Golden Watering Cans. So get out there, treat your pumpkins right and enjoy the new crop mechanics.

When you’re done playing in your patches, check out our evergrowing index of Animal Crossing: New Horizon how-tos, tips, tricks and general reads!