TFT patch 10.9: Trait nerfs look to increase comp diversity

Riot Games
Riot Games

In an effort to encourage more creative team comps, TFT patch 10.9 will bring nerfs to all traits across the board. Take a look at what’s coming.

From a balance perspective, Teamfight Tactics is in a pretty good place. There are multiple viable team comps that can get you into the top four and I’d say TFT Set 3 has been the most balanced one we’ve seen yet.

However, it’s not perfect yet and there’s room for improvement. One of the current issues in the game that Riot is looking to address is the lack of diversity in team comps. The reason for this lack of diversity is simple; the major traits (the six- and four-champion traits maxed out) are simply too strong. Going six Dark Star or six Blademaster is an easy path toward victory right now.

With patch 10.9, Riot will be implementing a bunch of trait changes that will adjust power across the board. Everything is being brought down in power.

  • Blademaster: 30/60/100% to 30/55/100% chance to proc
  • Blaster: 3/6 to 3/5 bonus shots
  • Brawler: 300/700 to 350/650 HP
  • Celestial: 15/40/65% to 15/35/60% healing
  • Cybernetic: 350&35/750&75 to 350&35/700&70
  • Dark Star: 25/30/35 to 20/25/35 bonus AD & AP
  • Infiltrator: 50/80/125% to 50/75/120% AS (now refreshes at all levels
  • Protector: 20/30/45% to 25/30/40% shield
  • Rebel: 150/225/350 to 150/210/330 Shield Damage
  • Sorcerer: 20/45/80/125 to 20/40/75/120 Spell Power
  • Star Guardian: 30/60 to 30/50 Mana
  • Vanguard: 60/250 to 125/250

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As you can see, there is a bunch of changes on the way. They aren’t drastic nerfs but the point of them is to help push TFT to a place where full comps of sixes are “not necessarily optimal,” according to  Riot Games’ lead designer Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer.

The goal is to encourage players to come up with more interesting comps. So instead of always going four Blaster, it may be more beneficial to go two Blaster and three Rebel.

Mortimer acknowledged that the nerfs were still somewhat conservative so it’s entirely possible people will still play six Dark Star or six Rebels. Of course, as the expert players explore the patch, powerful team comps will emerge but this should hopefully lead to more creative comps.