Animal Crossing: New Horizons fan-made site makes sharing custom designs easy


A fan-made website makes it easy for Animal Crossing: New Horizons players to share and download custom designs.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game in which you can play the way you want to play. Maybe you enjoy creating custom clothes and sharing them with other players online.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has two main ways to share creations, QR codes and the Able Sisters ship via the Custom Designs Kiosk. Neither way is particularly difficult but they also aren’t very convenient when trying to look at the world’s creations.

Right now if you want to download other players’ designs into your game, you pretty much have to scour Twitter and Reddit. Players often upload their codes online but there’s no official database online or in-game that keeps track of everything and serves as a hub. There’s no real easy way to search for specific things.

That is until last night when Reddit user plump_tomato shared an early version of his website, Nookpedia. The website, which is still a work-in-progress, serves as the front-end of a database where players can easily share their creations or download other players’ designs.

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Uploading your design is pretty easy and almost instant. You can upload a screenshot of your design (which must first be shared from Switch to either Facebook or Twitter before you can save it to upload to Nookpedia). Then all you have to do is select the design type, give it a name and share the code.

While the website warns designs must not contain profanity, explicit, racist or hateful content, it seems like there’s not a whole lot of gating in place. While the site creator can remove designs that don’t follow the rules, I have a hard time imagining a one (or even a handful of people) will be able to keep up if this site really does explode in popularity.

In any case, the site also makes it super easy to search. You can sort by designs, search by title (which isn’t very helpful unless the creator was specific) and then you can simply copy the code.

As it’s still a work in progress, Nookpedia is still very basic in design and functionality. Still, it’s an incredibly helpful way to share and download designs.