Marvel’s Avengers: The delay until September is not a bad thing

Square Enix
Square Enix /

Crystal Dynamics announced that Marvel’s Avengers has been delayed until September 2020. The four extra months will definitely help.

Well, we’ve got our first delay of 2020. Crystal Dynamics announced today that Marvel’s Avengers has been delayed four months, from its initial release on May 15 to September 4. For a game that has been met with mixed reception since its official unveiling, this is not a bad thing.

In a message posted to Crystal Dynamics’ website, studio co-heads Scot Amos and Ron Rosenberg said the additional development time will allow for “fine-tuning and polishing the game to the high standards our fans expect and deserve.” While delays are never fun for fans eager for a big game, they are sometimes necessary. This definitely seemed to be the case for Marvel’s Avengers.

E3 2019 was the first time Crystal Dynamics lifted the curtain on Marvel’s Avengers and reaction to the game was not what they or publisher Square Enix had probably hoped for. It was the first time fans had gotten a look at Crystal Dynamics’ interpretation of these iconic Marvel heroes and it was definitely not met with a warm reception.

Muddied graphics and awkward designs that made it seem like “low-budget” Avengers. To put it nicely, Marvel’s Avengers was pretty rough around the edges.

To Crystal Dynamics’ credit, the developer took the criticism in stride and vowed to make improvements. Although the overall look and feel of their characters remained the same, the graphics did seem to improve as time went on. Gameplay seemed to smooth out and it actually looked kind of fun.

But besides the actual look and feel of the game, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics faced another issue: messaging. Marvel’s Avengers is billed as an action-adventure with RPG elements. Despite releasing an overview video that offers a top-level breakdown of how its single-player story blends with the online multiplayer portion, there’s still a very large segment who probably have no idea what to expect from the game.

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Sure, those of us who have been following the game probably know the gist of what to expect, but think of the casual Marvel fans. This extra time will not only benefit Marvel’s Avengers from a development standpoint but could help Square Enix improve upon the marketing of the game.

I’ll be the first to admit, that I was initially unimpressed with Marvel’s Avengers. The lackluster E3 trailer just seemed like it was another generic superhero action-adventure.

But Crystal Dynamics shared more details, I have become more excited. A delay is disappointing, sure, but the last thing fans should want is a rushed game with bad graphics and broken gameplay.

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A delay is not a bad thing, especially when it comes to one of the biggest games of the year. There’s a certain level of polish Marvel fans expect and if Marvel’s Avengers wasn’t going to deliver that by May, then the delay is certainly warranted.