Dreams gets February release date for PS4

Media Molecule
Media Molecule

Dreams, the highly anticipated Media Molecule project, is headed for a release on PlayStation 4 early next year – after many, many years of waiting.

You know, in the gaming industry, when a title is in development for so long that it practically becomes a meme? Media Molecule’s Dreams is sort of in that same boat (other famous, Hall-of-Fame examples include Kingdom Hearts 3 and The Last Guardian).

First revealed back in 2013 and, due to how ambitious and confusing the project initially sounded, some believed would actually be canceled, Dreams is the Playstation exclusive that fans have been mystified for quite some time. Well, after many years of uncertainty and teases, it was revealed today through Sony’s State of Play presentation that Dreams would finally be released on February 14, 2020.

The game, which might best be described as a game-creation-tool experience, is the kind of artistic creativity that we have come to expect from Media Molecule (for my money, the best-named developer in the industry with Twisted Pixel a close second), and the litany of possibilities that we’ve seen over the last year or so have been tantalizing. Sure, naysayers would label these many of these possibilities as simply just inferior experiences of other well-renowned games, but it’s surely an intriguing one.


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Fans of Media Molecule know that the developer is anything but conventional, having been the brains behind the Little Big Planet series and the Playstation Vita darling Tearaway. It will be interesting to see how well the game performs not only critically, but financially. After all, Media Molecule’s games haven’t exactly been blockbusters in the past, and it’s been so long since their last release that a lot could be riding on it. In an age of intellectual property meaning more and more, a new and somewhat ambiguous title is far from safe.

The good news is that the February 14th release date — also referred to, by some, as “Valentine’s Day” (I’m told this is a notable holiday) — isn’t filled with too many high-profile releases to contend with. Of course, there is the goliath movie release in Sonic the Hedgehog, but that should have no impact. Perhaps, instead, a nice trip to see the movie and then head home to play Dreams could make for a magical day spent with your significant other. Thank me later.

The potential of Dreams is an intriguing one, and we’ll just have to wait for that eventful day until we can all of our questions fully answered. Stay tuned until then and keep on having wondrous dreams of your own in the meantime.