Clash Royale: The Battle Healer looks like an awesome new addition to the arena


Inspired by the idea of the paladin, the Battle Healer, capable of healing nearby troops, will be coming to Clash Royale at the start of Season 6.

Clash Royale‘s sixth season will be introducing a new card, the Battle Healer. Inspired by the idea of adding a paladin to the game, the initial concept for the unit was just a Knight that cast heal whenever he attacks. Through further iteration, it developed into what is today known as the Battle Healer, which also seems partly inspired by the Clash of Clans healer.

Unlike the CoC healer who doesn’t actually get involved in the combat and instead heals from afar, the Battle Healer actually gets into the action in Clash Royale. Described as “half a support troop, half a mini tank,” the Battle Healer is “tough.” Supercell likened her toughness to around that of the Knight or Valkyrie.

She’s also capable of healing other troops while in combat. During her attack, she emits a healing aura around her, healing herself and other troops.

Gameplay of the Battle Healer in action showed her capable of tanking a Valkyrie alongside shots from an Archer Queen and eventually other Archers. She seems surprisingly durable for her cost, which is only four Elixir.

Supercell warns that leaving her unchecked could result in her becoming quite the formidable unit. Because of her ability to heal herself, she’s actually able to tank tower shots and survive long enough to inflict some serious damage — even more than  Knight would be capable of. Her healing may make her tanky, but being able to survive for so long actually also makes her somewhat of an offensive unit as well.

Another unique thing about the Battle Healer is that she hovers. This a new type of troop, that’s “not quite air, not quite ground.” She’s able to cross the river, not using the bridge; however, ground troops are still able to attack her.

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As a four Elixir cost rare card, the Battle Healer seems incredibly effective. Her versatility seems to make it so that she fits in with many different card compositions so I’m excited to see how she helps shift the meta.

I think she’s probably better paired with units that are able to take multiple shots and not ones that can be taken out with a single arrow or fireball. Her strength lies within her ability to keep others alive. Combining her with a Knight or Valkyrie or Giant or P.E.K.K.A. seems like a pretty good idea.

The Battle Healer is expected to arrive on December 6, the start of Clash Royale Season 6. When you unlock her, you’ll be able to use her in your main deck thanks to something called “Card Level Boost.”

Supercell promises more details on this in their next video, but basically the teaser says “The card will be boosted to your King Level for the duration of the season.” It’s possible this feature could only be available for those who purchase the Pass Royale.