Disney classics Aladdin and The Lion King step into a whole new gaming world later this year


Disney’s 16-bit classics Aladdin and The Liong are ready to step into a whole new world on the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

If there’s one thing millennials crave more than avocado toast, it’s nostalgia. We fed on it with Capcom’s DuckTales: Remastered. We got a second-helping with The Disney Afternoon Collection in 2017. Now we’ll get dessert thanks to publisher Nighthawk Interactive and developer Digital Eclipse. Together, they are re-releasing the 16-bit classics of Disney’s Aladdin and The Lion King games.

Anyone who owned a Sega Genesis in the early 90s is probably very familiar with these classics platformers. And now, we’ll get to relive our childhood as Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King will release as a bundle for Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC.

This isn’t a remake of the games, but instead a re-release with “new features and enhancements,” such as “watch mode,” which allows you to skip to any part of the game and jump in and play (or go back and rewind time. Graphics have been upscaled to full 1080p with visual enhancements such as screen filters and display options available.

There are also multiple versions of each game available within the bundle itself, including a new “final cut” of Aladdin. But the most exciting inclusion is an original “tradeshow demo” of Aladdin, playable for the first time since 1993.

There are other features as well, such as a soundtrack library and a “museum” featuring interviews and art from the development of both games.

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I played the crap out of Aladdin when I was a younger kid, but was always intimidated by the difficulty of The Lion King. Perhaps with more experience under my belt, I can finally conquer the “Can’t Wait To Be King” stage.

Perhaps more importantly, a re-release of these two games now allows a whole new generation of younger games to experience the classics that paved the way for today’s games. It’s kind of like the theatrical release of both Aladdin and The Lion King as live-action remakes. It introduces these classic tales to a whole new audience.

Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King will be available on October 29 for $29.99. What are the next classic games you want to see re-released?