Epic Games is giving away Fortnite’s Season 8 Battle Pass for free

Epic Games
Epic Games

Epic Games is really feeling the love this Valentine’s Day, offering players a chance to unlock Fortnite’s Season 8 Battle Pass for free.

Perhaps feeling the heat from Respawn Entertainment’s newly released battle royale game, Apex Legends, developer Epic Games is looking to bring players back to Fortnite by offering the upcoming Season 8 Battle Pass for free. There is a catch, though.

Arriving with today’s v7.40 update was a set of Overtime Challenges. You must complete 13 of the 20 challenges by February 27 to be eligible to receive the Season 8 Battle Pass for free. Each individual Overtime challenge also offers its own unique reward, including XP, battle stars, wraps, loading screens and more. The highlight, of course, is the Battle Pass which typically costs $10 at the start of each new season.


New Overtime Challenges will be introduced over the course of the next nine days. Currently, six of them are available, three of which are locked behind this season’s Battle Pass and require you to reach specific tiers (47, 71 and 87). Assuming you own the Season 7 Battle Pass and have been playing regularly, these are probably pretty easy to complete.

However, these are a bit confusing because it appears there are two steps to each of these three challenges. The three are tied to completing other Overtime Challenges. Completing 5, 10 and 15 Overtime Challenges over the next two weeks will unlock alternate styles for the associated Outfits.

The other three challenges currently available can be completed by anyone and require you to perform the following tasks:

  • Collect Coins in Featured Creative Islands (15)
  • Search chests or ammo boxes at a motel or an RV park (7)
  • Place Top 15 in Duos with a friend (3)

The remaining Overtime Challenges are still hidden within the game but also the Fortnite community has already searched through the game’s files to uncover what they will be. Additionally, it looks like all 14 remaining Overtime Challenges will be part of the free Battle Pass track. There’s no telling how difficult they may be to complete though.

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Giving away the Season 8 Battle Pass seems like a pretty big deal on the surface, especially in light of the popularity of Apex Legends, which has already amassed over 25 million players. However, it’s really not when you consider the business model Epic Games employs with Fortnite and its Season Pass. Assuming a player owns the previous season’s battle pass and has reached tier 100, they would have already earned enough free V-Bucks to purchase the Season 8 Battle Pass without having to spend any additional cash (assuming they didn’t spend those V-Bucks on other cosmetics in the Item Shop).

Epic Games typically keeps the contents of the next season’s Battle Pass a mystery until the day the new season arrives; however, they do usually tease the general theme about a week before. As a reminder, the Battle Pass includes 100 tiers of cosmetic rewards, including seven Outfits (two of which are unlocked instantly).

Either Epic Games is starting to see a decline in player count as a result of Apex Legends, or they really are just feeling generous. Either way, this is an incredible win for Fortnite fans.