Jurassic World: The Game Tips, Hints And Strategies

The park is open! Though Jurassic Park never made it as a successful attraction in the original movie of the same name, Jurassic World is a different story.

In Jurassic World: The Game, you’ve got the cool but potentially unenviable job of running an amusement park whose main attraction is real live dinosaurs. To ensure its success, you’ve got to breed new dinosaurs, place buildings and decorations and generally make the place as profitable as possible without having a disaster occur. Or maybe that’s fated to happen, given the previews for the upcoming film.

Anyway, at least until the dinosaurs run rampant, we can help you be the administrator thanks to our years of experiences running parks with dinosaurs. We kid, of course, but if you follow our Jurassic World: The Game Tips, Hints and Strategies, we can help make your own version of Jurassic World a unique place to visit.

  • Proper feeding of your dinos is perhaps the most important part of the game. Feeding a dinosaur five times helps it level up, which makes it more formidable in combat. Food can be produced by spending money to activate the Food Production building, and you can also find it in card packs or purchase it with Cash, the game’s premium currency.
  • The Food Production building works on a timer. You spend money to activate it, and can tap the button several times — for increasing amounts of coins — to have it produce more for a longer period of time. At certain intervals of your park’s overall leveling, you can also upgrade Food Production in general.
  • Rarer dinosaurs are more powerful than more common ones, though they also take more food to level up. All dinos can only be fed until they are level 10, at which point you will need another level 10 dinosaur of the same type. You can then evolve the two level 10 dinosaurs into one combined animal that can reach level 20 by spending a certain amount of DNA and hoping that the process works, though you can simply repeat it if it fails. A level 20 dinosaur can then be evolved again by combining it with another level 20 of the same type, but since you need to have two level 10s to evolve to get a second one to 20, you can see how the process becomes exponential.
  • Additional dinosaurs can be added to your park in a number of ways. The numbered stage battles always unlock a new dinosaur with each victory. Card packs often include one dinosaur as well, even the free ones that you can open every six hours. Finally, you can create a new dinosaur of any type you’ve already unlocked by tapping on the market icon in the lower-right corner of the main screen and spending the required amount of DNA. Note that the Hatchery will only allow you to incubate one animal at a time unless you spend Cash to unlock more slots.
  • Both the dinosaurs and buildings in your park produce coins constantly. A small coin icon will appear once they’ve accumulated a certain amount, but if you are in need of some quick coins, you don’t have to wait. Tap on a dinosaur pen or building at any time to collect what it’s racked up since you last collected. Decorations don’t produce coins, but rather enhance the production of dinosaurs or buildings nearby.
  • The missions tab on the left side of the main screen will give you goals to pursue for specified rewards (while also, it would seem, giving away some of the plot of the upcoming film). Finishing these can be a much faster way to earn XP than anything else you might do, and you usually need to finish your current story missions before others will become available. Card packs will also sometimes yield bonus missions that need to be completed within a certain number of hours, enabling you to earn extra Cash.
  • Perhaps realistically, dinosaurs take up a lot of room. You’ll almost inevitably find yourself straining for ways to fit them all into your park, so here are two quick related tips. The first is that you’ll earn park expansions you can pay for with coins as you level up, but you can also hasten the process by spending Cash to open up park expansions early. Also, while you can build roads for free, it’s not necessary to connect structures to roads like in many builder games, so if the aesthetic part doesn’t bother you, skipping roads and just cramming stuff into the space you have is always an option.
  • Though it isn’t part of the movies, training your dinos to battle in the arena is an important aspect of Jurassic World: The Game. Dino fights work on a rock-paper-scissors wheel where each “class” of dinosaur is better against one other kind (doing 50 percent more damage) and weaker against another (doing 50 percent less). The wheel works this way: Amphibians > Carnivores > Herbivores > Pterosaurs > Amphibians. It’s like its own little circle of life! the solo stage battles will tell you exactly what kinds of dinosaurs you’ll be facing, allowing you to make smart decisions about which of your beasts to bring to the showdown.
  • Fighting isn’t free. The stage battles cost coins to enter, while the random Arena battles against other players take Cash. Keep that in mind when budgeting for what you spend elsewhere, especially when the missions require you to win certain battles so you can keep advancing.
  • Success in battle takes a combination of strategy, memory and luck. In each turn, you’ll receive a certain number of action points to spend; one for the first turn, two for the second, and so on, up to a maximum of four points per turn. Every point can be spent to attack, defend, swap the current dinosaur for another or saved for the next round (up to four points can be saved). You can spend multiple points on attack or defense, which is important if your opponent has spent points on the opposite action. For example, if your opponent spends two points on defense and you spend three to attack, one point will “get through” and deal damage to the enemy dinosaur.
  • One thing to avoid against either AI or human opponents is to spend all of your points on an all-out attack unless it will eliminate the last dinosaur or you are willing to sacrifice one of your dinosaurs to take one out (which is fine when you already have a numerical advantage). The reason for that is that it’s easy for your opponent to figure out when you have nothing saved for defense, allowing him or her to spend only what’s necessary to knock your dino out. Conversely, watch for times when the enemy has gone all out and use just enough force to respond in kind, knowing they have no defense available.

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