How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - ©2024 Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - ©2024 Square Enix

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth doesn't release until next week, but reviews have started to hit the web. Square Enix's highly anticipated sequel to 2020's Final Fantasy 7 Remake is receiving rave reviews with scores in the high 9s, and even some perfect scores.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is an action RPG that picks up immediately after the events of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The story follows the adventures of Cloud Strife and members of AVALANCHE who embark on a trek across the Planet to prevent Shinra from continuing to exploit its life essence as an energy source, while also dealing with the powerful former elite SOLDIER Sephiroth.

While the original Final Fantasy 7 was much more linear in its storytelling, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth takes a more open-world approach, allowing players to explore the vast regions and complete side quests, while also participating in a slew of mini-games. Between the main story and all of the side quests, you may be wondering how long it takes to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Well, the answer depends on how much of a completionist you are.

How long is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi previously revealed that it would take about 40 hours to complete the main story. This can increase to about 60 hours for those who wish to complete a "good amount" of side content, and upwards of 100 hours for a true completionist.

Now that reviews are out, we're getting a clearer picture of just how long it takes to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. A few members of IGN's staff have offered their input with times ranging from a brisk 33 hours to a lengthy 89 hours.

Other factors like the difficulty you are playing on could also impact how long it takes you to complete the game. The game starts you off with Easy and Normal modes, but there's also a new Dynamic difficulty that scales all of the enemies to your level.

There are 14 chapters in total for the main story. The point of no return is Chapter 12 which at that point will restrict you from exploring the world until after you complete the game.

There are 62 side quests spread across the six regions: Grasslands, Junon, Corel, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, and Nibel. These side quests all vary in length but offer a deeper insight into the Planet as well as closer connections with your side characters.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth releases on February 29 exclusively for PS5 and PC.