The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer has always had a familiar feeling because a majority of the maps are maps that were taken from the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. All of your favorite MW2 maps made a return for this most recent Call of Duty and for that, a lot of gamers are glad to see their return. However, it is always nice to see some new maps make their debut in Call of Duty and with that being said, there is a new map on it's way.
On January 17, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 received a free Content Update, bringing a brand-new map that has never been seen before in a Call of Duty video game. The new Multiplayer map is called Rio.
What can you expect from the new Rio Multiplayer map?
Rio is exactly what it sounds like it would be. This map brings you to Rio where you can do battle in the streets of Rio or even the many different shopping centers that Rio has to offer. Rio is a 6v6 Multiplayer map and will be first available once you have downloaded the Content Update on January 17.
Call of Duty offers a full briefing on everything you need to know about the new Rio map on their official blog. From first glace, it appears that this map is going to be suited for both close range, medium range, and long range combat. When you travel inside of the shopping centers, you might be better off with some closer ranged weapons. When you are out in the streets of Rio, you may consider using a medium to long range weapon. A mix of different combat on maps is always nice to see.
The map Rio also appears to be of decent size. This isn't Call of Duty's way of adding a new small map that everyone will want to play on because of its size. This map is going to be average to maybe even slightly above average in size. I know a lot of gamers favor maps on the smaller side of things, but it is also nice that maps of average or bigger size enter the rotation as well every once in a while, too.
Obviously we can't get a consensus decision on if the majority of players like the map or not until it is released to the public, but once the January 17 Content Update goes live on Wednesday, we can start getting the first opinions of what the Call of Duty community thinks about this new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 map. From the early looks of the trailer, I can see this map really being successful.