Fortnite: First ever level 10,000 player reset back to level 1

Doing something that someone has never done before is a huge accomplishment. A Fortnite player recently has done the unthinkable by reaching level 10,000 in the game. Reaching a feat that high would normally be something to celebrate and be proud of. However, for one Fortnite player, that feeling of accomplishment was completely opposite.

A Fortnite player that goes by the name "ManyshkaCSE" on Fortnite was the first player to reach level 10,000 in the game. After posting their accomplishment on X, Epic Games decided to take matters into their own hands and reset this player back to level 1. You may ask yourself, "why would Epic Games do such a thing?" Well, the reason is very simple. The only reason why they were able to reach level 10,000 in the first place was due to excessive glitching on multiple occasions.

Epic Games takes cheating very seriously and in order to keep their game clean, they will do what needs to be done to make sure it stays that way. Even if that means resetting the only level 10,000 player in the world back to level 1.

After posting this accomplishment on social media, the user got a lot of feedback back praising them even though they knew the ranked was glitched to get that high of a level. Some people supported it, while other people were very much against it.

While reaching level 10,000 might have been fun for time being, the fun only lasted for a little while. The lesson to be learned is that if you are going to try and make history in a video game, you better do it in a way that doesn't violate any terms of service. Epic Games keeps track of everything very closely and if you want to make sure you don't get reset or even banned, then you got to follow the rules.