Sure fire award winners!
Okay, so, sometimes we’ll get gifts for significant others kids, friends, other, that kinda suck at communication and you don’t always know what to get them. These best selling award winning games are going to be your safest bet at something they’re likely to want (if they don’t have them already).
1) Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
This is one of the biggest thing that ever happened to the Switch. Not only is this game massive, gorgeous, and incredibly well designed, it has mechanics and ways to play that honestly could keep someone playing all year should they want to.
The way the game allows you to solve problems in pretty much any way you can think of instead of just the one linear way is mindblowing. The way that every time you think you’ve seen everything in the game world you find out you’ve seen just a small percent is overwhelming. It’s sort of the perfect go to game for about any craving.
2) Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3 is the big multiplayer game for the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo’s version of a multiplayer shooter, Splatoon tasks you and your team with using your special paint cannons to see how much of the stage you can cover before the time runs out. There’s a second team that’s ALSO attempting to paint everything, even over spots you painted.
The game looks really good, runs really well, and has a wide variety of single player options if you don’t feel like playing online. In addition to all the gameplay options, the game has a wonderful leveling system that introduces you to a new type of gameplay every so often.
It’s a fun time with great visuals and catchy music and all sorts of bizarre happenings. And one of the weirdest last bosses you’ll ever see.
3) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Okay, chances are they have this game so try to suss it out first, but Super Smash Bros is sort of, like the name implies, the ultimate Switch title. It’s a fighting game, of sorts, and the characters (of which oh my godness there are many) are all characters from different games. Many of these characters familiar to even those with absolutely no interest in gaming like Pac-Man, Mario, Pikachu, Link, Donkey Kong, and more.
Live out all your weird mental questions of who’s stronger, Mario or Sonic? What happens when Kirby tries to inhale Yoshi as Yoshi is trying to eat Kirby. And, honestly, who is the strongest game character ever? (Spoiler: It’s Daisy)
With so many unlockables they’ll be finding new stuff throughout 2024, and a wealth of additional characters via DLC that brought the amount of playable characters up to a stunning 89 characters.
And with the inclusion of the in-game items (which you’re a monster if you disable, fight me) there will never be a stale moment. Finding and throwing a Pokeball could lead to a tiny Torchic or a massive Snorlax coming to your aid. Finding an assist trophy could summon the ghosts from Pac-Man to swarm the stage or make a giant puppy from the old Nintendogs game put its paws against the screen as if it is excitedly looking at you through the screen while also blocking every single thing going on on screen. It never gets old.
So there you have it! Hopefully this helps y’all find the perfect gift this year.