One of the biggest video game releases of November this year is going to be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. If you have pre-ordered any edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, you have the option to download and start playing the Campaign.
Some gamers have already taken advantage of playing the Campaign early and some of them have already beaten the Campaign so far. That might sound a bit crazy figuring the Campaign hasn’t been out for super long, but the Campaign as a whole isn’t overly large.

How long is the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign?
There are some fans who purchase Call of Duty video games just for the multiplayer and never play the Campaigns. On the other hand, there are players that focus solely on the Campaign and just casually dip their toes in the Multiplayer here and there. Then of course, there is the happy median. The players who do a little bit of both, to see what the game has to offer every year.
If you are someone who does enjoy playing through Call of Duty Campaigns, then you should know that none of them are overly long. On average you can expect a Call of Duty Campaign to last anywhere from 6-10 hours depending on the game and how casually you are going through each mission. They aren’t overly long because the developers spend most of their time devoted to the Multiplayer aspect of each game.
For those who played through the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Campaign last year, it took the average gamer roughly 8 hours to complete. A decently sized Call of Duty Campaign. However, there are reports from gamers this year who have played through the Campaign as part of Early Access that you can beat the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign in 3-4 hours.
This is a bit of disappointing news for most. There was a lot of hype around the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign this year and a lot of marketing around Makarov. For the experience to be “over in the blink of an eye” as most of the feedback relating to the Campaign states, is a huge disappointment.
The reviews for the Campaign have been mediocre at best and even the new Open Combat Missions are getting a lot of negative feedback as well about how Call of Duty missed out on an opportunity to make them feel a lot more special. The ending of the Campaign is also reportedly no better.
At the end of the day, everyone has their own opinions as to what they consider to be a success. However, from the early sounds of it, the short Campaign length has made the experience feel very rushed. With the Multiplayer and Zombies portion set to be released in full on November 10, here is to hope that the Call of Duty community has a much better experience with that.