Every June, every Pride Month, many game developers do things to show support to the community. Sometimes game companies go above and beyond being inclusive. Even Blizzard, beyond still being attached to bigoted money sponge Bobby Kotick for some reason, managed to make many members of the Overwatch cast inclusive and even had a Pride event where they reskinned one of the street maps to make it look like there was a Pride Parade happening. It went so accurately they even removed the cop cars because of #NoCopsAtPride.
Sometimes though, a company feels like they should do something to jump on the bandwagon and does something so impossibly minimum that they would have been better off doing nothing and just moving past June as if was just another month. Second Dinner Studio’s Marvel Snap is one of these.
Now, I love Marvel Snap. They gave me Howard the Duck so by law I have to. But their Pride “event” titled “Marvel Voices: Pride” was just the absolute minimum.

For $4.99, you can purchase the Pride pack which contains two variant cards, one for America Chavez and one for Iceman. Both characters are listed as two of the most powerful gay characters in comic book history, but you wouldn’t know it from this pack.

Not only are these two cards devoid of any Pride day looks but the pack doesn’t even include avatar items or subtitles like the “Happy Lunar New Year” one that came out not long ago.
And while Marvel usually puts out two or three things in the news section of the game to let you know everything about particular characters, there’s nothing about America Chavez and Iceman. Half my friends who play Marvel Snap haven’t read comics in over a decade and where questioning why Iceman was in the Pride event.

So it seems like Marvel just took two variant cards that were probably coming out anyways, both drawn by straight men, and slapped the word Pride on the Marketplace section. Not on the cards themselves, but the part that lets you purchase it for five bucks.
I did buy it because I want Marvel to know I’m supportive of this sort of move and hope they do more in the future but I’m also deeply disappointed in what they’re giving. Come on Marvel Snap, you’re one of the biggest things in mobile gaming right now, you can do so much better.
It’s also important to not that despite being an event for Pride MONTH, the event lasts a week. Whoops.