Hogwarts Legacy will officially release on February 10. However, you can start playing the game starting February 7 if you purchase the Deluxe Edition, which comes with 3-Days Early Access. There is no secret as to how highly anticipated this video game is going to be, which is why a lot of gamers may opt to purchase the Deluxe Edition in order to get their hands on the game a few days in advance.
From everything we have seen so far, the Hogwarts Legacy map is visually stunning and massive. This open-world RPG is going to keep gamers going to hours and hours on end with all the content. Plus, if you are a huge Harry Potter fan, you are going to be greeted with some great Harry Potter content, from being sorted to one of the four houses, to also traveling around the Wizarding World. There will be no shortage of things to accomplish in this game.
Since Hogwarts Legacy features so much content and such a big map, you are going to want a faster means of traveling. This can be accomplished with the Flying Broom. However, the Flying Broom won’t be available to use right from the start. Instead, it will have to be unlocked down the line, when you are roughly one third of the way into the storyline.
You will know you are roughly one-third through the story when you are alerted with the Quest called “Flying Class.” Flying Class is where you learn all about the power of the Flying Broom. You won’t have to worry about missing this part of the story since it happens automatically. Once you have completed the Quest “Flying Class,” Flying Brooms will be made available for purchase from Spintwitches Sporting Needs.
You can find the Spintwitches Sporting Needs shop in Hogsmeade. Make your way to this shop and you will be able to purchase a Flying Broom for 600 Gold. From here, you are free to take your broom and fly it around the map. The Flying Broom will make traveling so much more efficient, and you won’t regret your 600 Gold purchase.
Flying shouldn’t be too difficult, but it might take a little bit of getting used to. After all, there aren’t too many video games out there where you ride on a Flying Broom too often. Once you get the hang of it, it will be very easy to maneuver and will put you one step closer to becoming the best Wizard or Witch the Wizarding World has ever seen.