The Last of Us: Episode One did very well for HBO


It has been nearly 10 years since The Last of Us video game released as a PlayStation exclusive. The Last of Us became so popular that the game completely took over PlayStation that year and was clearly one of the best games of the 2013 and winning various awards to prove just that. In case you weren’t aware, HBO decided to bring the video game to life and The Last of Us TV series debut did not disappoint.

The first episode of the TV series debuted on January 15 and many viewers were very happy with how the pilot episode has kicked off. In fact, The Last of Us TV series is the second largest premiere to be featured on HBO in over a decade. Episode one saw a total audience viewership of 4.7 million viewers. Of course, House of the Dragon which debuted in 2022 was the largest off all time with close to 10 million viewers, but holding onto second is something to be very proud of.

The Last of Us Part 1 - PS4 and PS5
The Last of Us Part 1 - PS4 and PS5

What people have enjoyed most from the debut episode is that the story doesn’t stray away from the main story of the video game. The dialogue is on par with the dialogue from the video game and the characters fall in line perfectly from who they have grown to love from the 2013 video game.

If you haven’t played the video game before, you will not have to in order to enjoy the incredible journey that is being put our way. The show appears to be bringing the video game to life and will be able to provide an emotional experience that makes any fan of good TV hooked on this journey between Joel and Ellie.

If you aren’t 100% familiar with the story, it takes place 20 years after moder civilization has been destroyed. It follows characters Joel and Ellie as they travel across the United States in order to find a cure to the devastating outbreak that destroyed the population.

Video game adaptations haven’t always had the best criticism as of late with the most recent Halo TV Series getting a lot of hate. However, through one episode of The Last of Us TV series, the general audience is already more than blown away with what they have seen so far and that could spell really good news for the remaining eight episode left in Season 1.

It is very early in the series, but so far, we have a lot of hope as to how the rest of the story will play out on TV. HBO wouldn’t have adopted this show for their service if they knew it wasn’t going to be great. The Last of Us is the first TV series to be based on a video game on HBO and the one thing we have grown to know over the years with HBO is that they rarely miss when it comes to good TV.

If you haven’t gotten the chance to watch The Last of Us yet, new episodes will be streaming every Sunday which started on January 15, and you can catch the ones that you already missed on the HBO Max streaming service.

There hasn’t been confirmation of if this would be a one and done in terms of Seasons, but I can see this show being multiple seasons with the story being expanded to The Last of Us Part II and diving even deeper into the story we all know and love.