The Game Awards 2022 not only awarded some of the best and most entertaining video games of the year because of their hard work, but we also got to see many world premieres that have gotten us excited on what is to come in the future. During The Game Awards, we got the chance to see footage on Diablo 4 and got a release date with that footage. Diablo 4 is going to be one of the most anticipated games to come in 2023 and will attract many different purchasers and pre-order buyers. Now that a release date has been set and pre-orders are now live, we know exactly what will come in each Diablo 4 edition.
Standard Edition ($69.99)
- Diablo 4
- Open Beta Early Access
- Light Bearer Mount
- Diablo III Inarius Wings & Inarius Murloc Pet
- World of Warcraft Amalgam of Rage Mount
- Diablo Immortal Umber Winged Darkness Cosmetics Set
As per usual, there is always a Standard Edition of the game. However, just because it is a Standard Edition doesn’t mean that you don’t get some additional rewards for making a pre-order for that Edition.
By pre-ordering the Diablo 4 Standard Edition, you will get Early Access to the Open Beta. Meaning that you get to play the Open Beta earlier than the general public would get to play it. You are also going to a handful of other rewards for other Diablo games in the franchise and an Amalgam of Rage Mount for World of Warcraft.

Digital Deluxe Edition ($89.99)
- Diablo 4
- Open Beta Early Access
- Light Bearer Mount
- Diablo III Inarius Wings & Inarius Murloc Pet
- World of Warcraft Amalgam of Rage Mount
- Diablo Immortal Umber Winged Darkness Cosmetics Set
- Up to 4 Days Early Access to Diablo 4
- Temptation Mount
- Hellborn Carapace Mount Armor
- Premium Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock
Your second option would be to spend $20 extra dollars and purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition. If you pre-order the Digital Deluxe Edition for $89.99 you will get all the pre-order bonuses from the Standard Edition plus a few extra.
One of the biggest reasons why you might want to purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition is the fact that you will have the chance to play Diablo 4 four days early. In addition to that additional benefit, you will also receive a Temptation Mount, Hellborn Carapace Mount Armor, and the Premium Seasonal Battle Pass. Having the premium Battle Pass included in this Edition makes the extra $20 worth it just by itself. Throw in everything else that will be included and there is actually pretty good value with this bundle.

Ultimate Edition ($99.99)
- Diablo 4
- Open Beta Early Access
- Light Bearer Mount
- Diablo III Inarius Wings & Inarius Murloc Pet
- World of Warcraft Amalgam of Rage Mount
- Diablo Immortal Umber Winged Darkness Cosmetics Set
- Up to 4 Days Early Access to Diablo 4
- Temptation Mount
- Hellborn Carapace Mount Armor
- Accelerated Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock (includes a Premium Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock plus 20 Tier Skips and cosmetic)
- Wings of the Creator Emote
The third and final version of Diablo 4 that you can pre-order right now is the Ultimate Edition. Sitting at $99.99, this is the priciest version of the game that is available to purchase. Within the Ultimate Edition you are getting the bonuses that are included in both the Standard Edition and the Digital Deluxe Edition. The added bonuses that are only available in the Ultimate Edition are having 20+ Tier Skips on the Premium Battle Pass and the Wings of the Creator Emote.
Who knows exactly what items the first 20 Tiers of the Battle Pass will offer? However, this is also an opportunity for you to get ahead in the game and max out the Battle Pass before others get the chance to do so. There is no guarantee that Diablo 4 will offer the ability to purchase the Premium Battle Pass with Tier Skips when the game is released. If they do offer that option, the chances of it being $10 extra could be slim and you will also be missing out on the Wings of the Creator Emote as well.
At the end of the day, it all depends on how invested in this game you plan on being. If you are an avid Diablo player that grinds each game in the franchise and shells tons of hours into the game, you may lean towards purchasing the Ultimate Edition. The Ultimate Edition leans more toward the hardest of hardcore fans that are out there.
If you love the franchise but just want to play Diablo 4 casually and grind as you please, maybe the Standard Edition is right for you. If you feel like you are somewhere in the middle, that is why there is a middle-priced option as well.
The good news is that Diablo 4 isn’t scheduled to release until June 6, 2023. That gives you a little over 6 months to maul everything over and make a decision based on whatever you feel most comfortable with.