Sangonomiya Kokomi had a rough launch. Raiden Shogun was a tough act to follow, and her abilities weren’t fully understood. Now that we’ve had some time with her, she’s developed her own niche as a hybrid/healer. She’s gotten some new toys to play with since her launch, so here’s an updated Kokomi Build guide with the best weapons and artifacts for Genshin Impact 2.5.
Genshin Impact: Updated Kokomi Build guide for 2.5
Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!
— Genshin Impact (@GenshinImpact) March 3, 2022
During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Pearl of Wisdom" Sangonomiya Kokomi (Hydro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!#GenshinImpact
Kokomi Weapons
There’s a few ways to build Kokomi, and your choice of weapon will come down to how you want to play her. As a support/healer, her utility will be more important than her raw damage numbers.
Everlasting Moonglow, affectionately known to players as The Donut, is made for Kokomi. It has HP as a sub-stat and comes with a slew of buffs to take advantage of the HP scaling. Normal attack DMG is increased by 1% of the wielder’s max health, and Normal hits after casting an Elemental Burst restore some Energy. Oh, there’s a 10% healing bonus too.
The Donut enables a strong hybrid healer/DPS, but the craftable Prototype Amber is easy to Refine and fills a similar role. Casting a Burst restores Energy, and then heals everyone on the team.
Oathsworn Eye is an aesthetic choice. It looks great on Kokomi, but it doesn’t have much synergy mechanically. Damage is temporary, but drip is eternal.
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers is the best support Catalyst in the game. It’s great on Barbara, and it’s just as good on Kokomi. The character Kokomi switches into gets a sizable Attack% boost, and the HP sub-stat is welcome as well. As a three-star, it’s easy to Refine quickly. This is the one to get if you’re using Kokomi as an off-field Hydro unit.
Kokomi Artifacts
Kokomi has an interesting passive: she gets -100 Crit Rate. She can never Crit, so don’t bother building that. It’s a rare case where you want to avoid Crit in the sub-stats, too.
The stats for Kokomi will depend on how you want to play her, and the set bonuses you use. For a hybrid healer/damage Kokomi use HP% or Energy Recharge on the Sands, Hydro Damage on the Goblet and then either HP% or Healing Bonus on the Circlet.
For off-field support builds, focus on Attack% all the way down. The Goblet can be Hydro Damage if the sub-stats are right.
4 Ocean Hued-Clam
This was Kokomi’s big “fix”. The Ocean Hued-Clam set turns healing into damage. Two pieces gives a 15% Healing Bonus, and the four-piece bonus is an absurdly long effect that basically charges a bubble when you heal. After three seconds, the bubble bursts and deals damage equal to 90% of the accumulated healing. The bubble can hold up to 30,000 HP. This is the set you want for an on-field Kokomi.
4 Tenacity of the Millelith
Two pieces of Millelith give 20% HP, and four triggers an Attack buff when the wearer’s Elemental Skill hits. The jellyfish summoned by Kokomi’s Skill hits multiple times over its 12 second duration, helping trigger the four-piece bonus multiple times. This set is ideal for off-field Kokomi builds.