Updated Raiden Shogun Build guide for Genshin Impact 2.5


Raiden Shogun is back in Genshin Impact 2.5, giving players the chance to obtain the powerful Electro Archon again. If you’re looking to harness the power of a god, you’ll need to give her the proper respect. Here’s an updated Raiden Shogun build guide, detailing the best weapons and artifacts.

Genshin Impact: Updated Raiden Shogun Build guide for 2.5

Raiden Shogun Weapons

Raiden is a powerful Burst Support that deals excellent damage both on-field and off. She’s all about Energy, and can recharge your team extremely efficiently. Raiden uses Energy Recharge to buff her attacks, so you’ll be looking for weapons with that as its sub-stat.

Most five-star Polearms will work great with her, but the two that are best will be Engulfing Lightning and Skyward Spine. Both have Energy Recharge as a sub-stat.

Engulfing Lightning is made for Raiden, and is considered her strongest weapon. It’s designed for her kit, giving additional scaling off Energy Recharge.

Skyward Spine gives more Crit Rate and the rare Attack Speed buff. There’s an extra coordinated attack, too.

There are lots of great four-star options for Raiden as well, and one of them is completely free for all players.

That’s of course “The Catch”, a weapon you can earn and Refine by playing the fishing mini-game. At Refinement 5, it increases Elemental Burst damage by 32% and its Crit Rate by 12%. Maxed out, “The Catch” out damages some five-star weapons.

Favonius Lance has high base Attack and Energy Recharge. Landing Crits with it can create particles, helping trigger Raiden’s passive that adds charges to her Chakra Desiderata ability.

Wavebreaker’s Fin is a weapon that makes your Burst stronger the more Energy capacity your team has. That’s the total costs of everyone’s Bursts. It gets extremely potent at higher Refinement, but you’ll want to get more Attack% in your Artifacts to help scale this properly.

Prototype Starglitter is the craftable polearm that’s a decent choice if you don’t have a lot of weapons to choose from in the early game. The passive effect buffs Normal and Charged attacks after casting an Elemental Skill. This effect does not work on her Elemental Burst hits, but can be good if she’s your on-field attacker.

Raiden Shogun Artifacts

This section will be simple: you want four pieces of Emblem of Severed Fate. Raiden’s kit is built around scaling damage from Energy Recharge, but you could use either that or Attack% on your Sands. The Goblet should be Electro Damage%, but you could also use Attack% if you gave Raiden Wavebreaker’s Fin. The Circlet will be Crit Damage or Rate, depending on your sub-stats.

Speaking, prioritize Crit Rate or Damage, Attack% and then Energy Recharge for the sub-stats.

With four-pieces of Emblem, you get a 20% Energy Recharge buff (two-piece bonus) and another Burst damage buff based on Energy Recharge. At a baseline, that’s a 38% damage boost to her Burst by itself. It caps out when you hit 300% Energy Recharge, so aim to get close to that.