Pokemon Legends Arceus Photo Studio gets a glow up with ‘Daybreak’

The Daybreak update mentioned in the recent Pokemon Direct introduced a bunch of extra missions, a new kind of outbreak, and other little things. One of the things that got a big ol’ glow up is Dagero’s photo studio.

And I mean a BIG one. One that also weirdly hints at the picture of the new starters shown in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet reveal trailer.


Unfortunately, the upgrade is mostly to the outside as there are no new poses, backdrops or expressions when you try to take a picture. The new thing though is that you might find one of the game’s many characters hanging out debating taking a picture. Talking to them will let you get your picture with them instead of one of your Pokemon so, that’s something.


For example, I saw my rival character hanging out inside with her Pikachu and she asked me to take a picture with her and I was able to snack this cute little shot.


But it is really weird that there isn’t more here because Dagero literally invites you in by telling you that there’s a ton of new options to try out.


Hopefully as time goes on more options gets unlocked and I just haven’t seen how yet. In the meantime, take a minute to look around the outside of the studio. It’s covered in small pictures of the various characters you’ve helped with their new Pokemon. The old man with the Eevee, the old lady with the Chimecho, the guard with the Pachirisu. They’re all there and it’s pretty cute. Like the lore telling you they’ve been doing good.

By the way, if you’re looking for more Pokemon Legends Arceus stuff, I would like to remind you that we have a massive collection of guides, walkthroughs and just all-around fun reads all about this game so go check it out.