Pokemon GO: The 5 best Johto Cup Pokemon to use

POLAND - 2020/03/23: In this photo illustration a Pokemon logo seen displayed on a smartphone.A stock market chart is being displayed as the background. (Photo Illustration by Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
POLAND - 2020/03/23: In this photo illustration a Pokemon logo seen displayed on a smartphone.A stock market chart is being displayed as the background. (Photo Illustration by Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

The last week of Season 10 of the Pokemon GO Battle League is finally upon us, bringing the Johto Cup just before GO Tour Johto kicks off. Which are the best Pokemon to use in the Johto Cup? Here’s everything you need to know to dominate the League.

Pokemon GO: The 5 best Johto Cup Pokemon to use

The eligible Pokemon for the Johto Cup are, well, from Johto. It’s a variation on the Great League rules, where you can only use Pokemon first appearing in the second generation (Gold, Silver, Crystal) with CP below 1500.

1- Skarmory

Bulk is the name of the game in Pokemon GO PvP, and Johto has some great options. Skarmory is an all-star both in the Great League already, so it’s no wonder it’s so strong here as well. It’s a Steel/Flying type that features tons of resistances, letting it dish out powerful Flying attacks like Air Slash and Sky Attack.

2- Lanturn

If Skarmory is a top contender, then Lanturn is the answer to it. It’s Electric/Water typing helps it resist powerful Flying and Fire types like Skarmory, Noctowl and Magcargo while having the right moves to fight back.

It’s only weak to Grass and Ground types, but it can even cover Ground with its Water type moves. It can use a mixed Electric and Water moveset with Spark as its Fast move, and then Thunderbolt or Hydro Pump for some massive damage.

3- Azumarill

Azumarill has it all: great bulk, great typing and great moves. The XL boost does wonders for Azumarill, letting it really shine in this Great League variant. It’s a Water/Fairy type with a diverse movepool that helps it fight against its own weakness. It’s the complete package.

Play Rough is one of Azumarill’s key Charged Moves, as it helps it deal with other bulky threats like Umbreon. Ice Beam covers its own Grass weakness.

4- Qwilfish

This weird Pokemon has always been overshadowed in the main series, but in Pokemon GO Qwilfish can put up a good fight. It has a unique type combination in Water and Poison, where each covers the other’s weaknesses phenomenally. It also has tons of resistances, but it doesn’t have the bulk to take advantage of them.

Be sure to kit Qwilfish with Sludge Wave and Aqua Tail to make the most of its offensive capabilities.

5- Umbreon

Umbreon isn’t flashy, but this pure Dark type has great defensive and offensive capabilities. It’s solid all around, but takes key losses against Fairy types like Azumarill. It can even outlast Skarmory, but falls slightly behind the other Pokemon on this list.