Pokemon Legends Arceus takes us back to a time way back in history before the events of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, back when the Sinnoh region was known as the Hisui region. Players arrive with the goal of surveying, catching and researching the wild Pokemon to complete the region’s first Pokedex. In order to accomplish this task, you’ll need to make use of Poke Balls.
There are a total of 10 different Poke Balls Pokemon Legends Arceus, soem of which are specialized to have higher success rates against certain types of Pokemon or in different situations.
You’ll be given Poke Balls as you progress through the story, or you can purchase some of them from shops. However, you can also use your own resources to craft them at Jubilife Village’s Craftworks or at a Base Camp. In the wild, you can use a portable Crafting Kit, although you’ll be limited to the resources you’re currently carrying.
Below are the 10 different types of Poke Balls in Pokemon Legends Arceus, how to obtain their recipes, and their required crafting ingredients.
Poke Ball: Can be thrown at a wild Pokemon to catch them (standard success rate)
How to unlock recipe: Given by Professor Laventon at the beginning of the game.
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 1 Tumblestone
Great Ball: Can be thrown at wild Pokemon with a higher catch success rate than a standard Poke Ball.
How to unlock recipe: Reach third Star Rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 1 Tumblestone, 1 Iron Chunk
Ultra Ball: Can be thrown at wild Pokemon with an even higher catch success rate than the Great Ball.
How to unlock recipe: Reach sixth Star Rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 2 Tumblestones, 2 Iron Chunks
Heavy Ball: Provides a high catch success rate when thrown at an unsuspecting Pokemon that hasn’t seen you yet.
How to unlock recipe: Obtain first star rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 1 Black Tumblestone
Leaden Ball: An improved version of the Heavy Bal, provides an even great chance to catch an unsuspecting Pokemon that hasn’t spotted you yet.
How to unlock recipe: Reach fourth Star Rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 1 Black Tumblestone, 1 Iron Chunk
Gigaton Ball: The ultimate iteration of the Heavy Ball, provides the highest catch success chance when thrown at an unsuspected Pokemon.
How to unlock recipe: Reach seventh Star Rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 2 Black Tumblestones 2 Iron Chunks
Feather Ball: Provides a higher success rate for catching nimble or flying Pokemon.
How to unlock recipe: Reach second Star Rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 1 Sky Tumblestone
Wing Ball: An improved version of the Feathered Ball that provides a greater chance to catch a nimble or flying Pokemon.
How to unlock recipe: Reach fifth Star Rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 1 Sky Tumblestone, 1 Iron Chunk
Jet Ball: The ultimate iteration of the Feather Ball, provides the highest catch success chance when thrown at a nimble or flying Pokemon.
How to unlock recipe: Reach eight Star Rank
Crafting ingredients: 1 Apricorn, 2 Sky Tumblestones, 2 Iron Chunks
Origin Ball: “A singular and irreplicable Poke Ball that can be used to catch the frenzied Pokémon raging at the Temple of Sinnoh.” This is used to catch Dialga and Palkia.
The Origin Ball can only be crafted once during “The Counterpart” mission.