One of the few changes ILCA made to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl over the originals is the fact that you can actually change the outfits on your tiny Funko Pop of a character. It allows you to get a bit of a unique look over the other people running around in the underground.
But how?
If you read my Manaphy article, you probably got the Platinum Outfit that was downloadable along with the Manaphy egg. You also probably noticed you can’t use it. So what’s the deal?
Well, turns out that unlike in Sword and Shield where you can start buying and wearing different outfits from the jump, you have to play for a while before you can change your clothing. In fact, you’ll have two gym badges by the time you get to the store.
To get to change clothing you have to make it to Veilstone City and look for a building with two Clefairy on the front.
Once inside, you can run up to the counter and either change into your Platinum outfit or buy some of the outfits available. Personally, I snagged the “Cyber Outfit” faster than you could type “A/S/L”.
Personally, while I was excited to finally get to try on my new outfit, I quickly realized that the ones I could buy were way better than the Platinum one as it just kind of looks like my guy was about to go into a long-winded rant about the “colors and smells of the autumnal season”.
If you’re curious though, here’s a video of all the outfits you can get from the Veilstone shop. They’re pretty neat and would be even cooler if battles didn’t tend to have your character off the screen.
Sadly, as of yet I haven’t seen any Pokemon costumes so, once again, out dreams of looking like the Pokemon obsessive characters is a no-go leaving me to be like…

One thing that really surprised me though is that your pageant outfit is unavailable for wear out and about which is a shame cause it’s kind of a cool suit and deserves more than the simple title of “Tuxedo”. For real, ILCA, you actually put this outfit in the game and made full models of my character wearing it. Give me it.

Honestly, I might dig this game back out next year when Pokemon Legends Arceus drops just to see the Kimono you get in this game for having a Legends Arceus save file.