In a new video released by Nintendo — possibly in result to people with absolutely no joy in their hearts spoiling many aspects of the new games already — they’ve announced a brand new area added Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Ramanas Park!
Not a lot of information has been revealed about Ramanas Park but it looks like you’ll be able to locate items called “Slates”. These Slates can be used at alters throughout the park to summon famous legendary Pokemon from throughout the series. If you have Brilliant Diamond, you’ll encounter Ho-Oh, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune exclusively. Likewise, if you have Shining Pearl (if you listened to me) you’ll be able to snag Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres exclusively.
No word yet on whether or not you’ll be able to get both forms of the legendary birds like the Galarian versions that appeared in Pokemon Sword and Shield but I hope so because I loved Galarian Zapdos.
Other exciting news revealed in the same trailer is that you can link your game with saved data from previous games to unlock mythical Pokemon in your game. Got a save game for Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee or Let’s Go Pikachu? You’re getting a Mew. Got a save game for Pokemon Sword and Shield? You’re getting a Jirachi. Got a save game for Pokemon Legends Arceus? You’re going to jail. Give that back.
Finally, the trailer ends by reminding you of the wealth of things you can get for free when the games come out next week. As long as you play the game before February 21, 2022 (no pressure) you’ll be able to get a “Platinum Style Outfit” which will help if you want to look like a church kid on a ski retreat (don’t at me). Play before that date and you’ll also be able to snag yourself Manaphy, one of my favorite Mythical Pokemon ever and one of the few that can breed eggs (giving you a slightly different Pokemon). And finally, you’ll also be to snag 12 free Quick Balls. This means precious little and whoever decided this announcement needs to come after a free outfit and a Manaphy needs to really question their priorities.
Anywho, you’ll be able to access the free stuff and work your way up to the Ramanas Park on the 19th, when the game comes out to the good people of the world that didn’t leak it. You know who you are. I see you.
In the same announcement (but not in the video) Nintendo also announced that when Pokemon Legends Arceus comes out if you have saved data from Sword and Shield you’ll get a Land Forme Shaymin as well as a Shaymin themed Kimono set. Likewise, if you have a save file for Let’s Go Pikachu, you’ll get a Pikachu mask and if you have Let’s Go Eevee, an Eevee mask. So there’s some stuff for the future.