Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto is a special event that will be celebrating Pokemon’s 25th anniversary from the popular gaming app. The special event gives nostalgic feels for gamers who have played the original games; Pokemon Red and Green Versions.
The timing is of the essence with the celebration of Pokemon’s 25th anniversary being around the corner. As events are being coordinated by the Pokemon Company and what they will reveal, the developers at Niantic have been gearing up for what is in store for dedicated players of Pokemon Go. A week before the physical date of the anniversary, the app will be commemorating the date with their own event with Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto as a promotional event for trainers. The ticketed event will have the feel of the original games released in Japan making Pokemon Go very close to the modern gameplay of Pokemon Red and Green Versions. For the trainers who have already purchased their tickets for the event, there is plenty of details to consider before the event kicks off.
The event Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto is allowing trainers to pick their experience between “Red Version and Green Version” to give the players the closest experience they can get to play the original games. Trainers who have already purchased their tickets can already choose which version they would like to play during the hours of the event. Trainers go to their Item Bag in the menu of the game, find the ticket to the event, and the pop-up screen will show the options for trainers to choose either “red” or “green” so that they have the option available to decide on which experience they want to play. Trainers are aware, once you decide what version of the game you want to experience, you cannot change colors so choose wisely. Coordinate with fellow trainers on who will play what experience to maximize the opportunity for version exclusive Pokemon.

The Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto event is going to be so much like Pokemon Red and Green Version that partnering with another trainer will be essential. Deciding which version the trainer would like to experience, the version exclusive Pokemon will be exactly like the original games to give the players the same experience from the core series. For example, players that choose Red Version will be able to catch Growlithe, and Green Version will be able to catch Vulpix exclusively for their experience during the event. For those who have never played the original games of Pokemon Red or Green Version, the separated list is included here via Pokemon Go’s official blog site for full details. Trainers definitely are aware of what Pokemon are exclusive to your color, you can possibly see shiny versions of these species the day of the event!
The exclusive Pokemon do not stop at the version exclusive for trainers during the Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto event. All of the original 150 Pokemon featured from Kanto will be exclusive during the hours of the event to make it feel like Pokemon Red and Green and when Pokemon Go was initially released. This also includes the legendary Pokemon that features the Legendary Bird Trio and Mewtwo to be exclusive in Five-Star Raids for trainers to partake in. Surely participating in these raids and accomplishing them should include a bonus incentive in Field Research, possibly allowing trainers to capture Mew for accomplishing this task. It can also be possible that this Mew will be shiny to commemorate the event for the trainers that participate.
Alongside the version exclusive Pokemon for each color players decide, there even more surprises for trainers that participate. To make the experience of the event very close to the original core series games, there will be trainers spawning randomly in the app for the player to battle during the hours of the event. Back in January, Niantic held a contest for players to actively participate to have their personal PoGo avatar be selected as a theme trainer for other trainers to battle. The trainers selected for the event will be the characters spawning during the event so that players can experience the game just like Pokemon Red and Green Version. Battling these trainers are not exclusive to players that did not purchase the ticket for the event. For every trainer that is battled, there will most likely be a bonus incentive in Field Research when battling these trainers.

The choosing of the color selection for the Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto event will have certain bonus incentives for trainers that participate. On the day of the event, trainers will receive a medal that will reflect the color they selected in order to commemorate the event. The medals will feature Charizard and Venasaur to represent the version mascots of the Pokemon Red and Green Version and will be very similar to the box art from the original games. The event takes place on Feb. 20th and will be held from nine in the morning and run for twelve hours to wherever the trainer plays Pokemon Go locally. Tickets for the event are still available in the in-game shop, being sold for $11.99 (or whatever currency equivalent) for players to still purchase. Be mindful of the date and the hours, trainers, the event is only for one day and one day only!
This event for Pokemon Go is truly a special one for fans of the franchise and the app to actively participate in if they are celebrating the accomplishments of Pokemon after all these years. The Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto event represents the original game feel of Pokemon Red and Green Versions that made many children and trainers fall in love with the series twenty-five years ago. It is amazing that Niantic has dedicated so much time designing this event for trainers so they can celebrate the anniversary in a special way. It is not too late to purchase tickets to partake in this event trainers, get your tickets now and choose your version color! Be sure to share your decision on social media using the hashtag #PokemonGOTour so all your friends know what color you decide on!