Where are the rest of the Galarian Pokemon in POGO?

With the popularity of Pokemon Sword and Shield introducing Galarian Pokemon from the Pokemon GO, some new species were featured but not all of them. Players are curious to know if this was intentional at all by Niantic?

Enigma week continues to roll on for Ultra Unlock week in Pokemon GO. For Pokemon to be caught that are considered an enigma in the franchise, they are the species that are most confusing on what they represent in the core games. What’s left as another enigma, is that there are some Pokemon that have been left incomplete. Certain species that have been made available from prior regions also have regional counterparts that have been featured in Pokemon GO. For example, Pikachu has always been available since the release of the game. After the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon, Alolan Raichu made a debut in Battle Raid for trainers to catch; alongside other Alolan Pokemon that were featured in Kanto. Galarian Pokemon were made available at the start of summer in Pokemon GO, but not all Pokemon that have regional counterparts have been featured.

Pokemon GO celebrated the release of Pokemon Sword and Shield when they first featured Galarian Wheezing in battle raids. following the release of Pokemon Home and the recent Pokemon Direct at the start of the year, Galarian Farfetch’d was featured in a spotlight for trainers to catch for a series of days. The excitement hinted at the future of Galarian Pokemon to debut in Pokemon GO just like Alolan Pokemon appeared in the game. The start of summer Galarian Pokemon we’re available for trainers to hatch from 7 km eggs during a couple of weeks in June. New Pokemon that we’re featured in Pokemon Sword and Shield included Obstagoon and Perrserker to evolve from the Galarian forms of Linoone and Meowth. However, not all species of Pokemon that have been featured from prior regions were not made available.

In fact, it was left as an enigma to trainers why these Pokemon were not featured with the first set of Pokemon from Galar when other species of them already exist. Ponyta and Rapidash have already existed being from the Kanto region, but the Galarian forms of the Pokemon were not available with the first series of Galarian Pokemon available. Even more to a bigger mystery, there were other Pokemon that can evolve that are not able to. If Obstagoon and Perrserker were made available in the app, how come Galarian Farfetch’d was not available to evolve to Sirfetch’d? This surely means that there is some promotion or complicated task to allow those Pokémon to exist or let alone evolve. If it took a Sinnoh Stone for Pokemon from the Kanto region to evolve into a newer Pokemon, like Rhydon into Rhyperior, there is most likely going to be a special item needed to evolve a Galarian Farfetch’d. After all, the requirements to evolve the Pokemon in Sword and Shield to a Sirfetch’d is a complicated process, it would only make sense to do the same thing in Pokemon GO.

The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo announced today that a new Pokémon has been discovered in the Galar region: Sirfetch’d, the Wild Duck Pokémon. Sirfetch’d will appear in the highly anticipated upcoming video game, Pokémon Sword. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield launch November 15, 2019, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch™ system. Image Courtesy The Pokemon Company Press
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo announced today that a new Pokémon has been discovered in the Galar region: Sirfetch’d, the Wild Duck Pokémon. Sirfetch’d will appear in the highly anticipated upcoming video game, Pokémon Sword. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield launch November 15, 2019, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch™ system. Image Courtesy The Pokemon Company Press

These are not the only Pokemon that have continued evolutionary lines from other games. With Eevee now I’m the spotlight as a franchise staple, the evolutionary possibilities of what it can evolve into is something that Pokemon trainers love about the Pokemon. The Fairy-type evolution of Eevee happens to be Sylveon, which was introduced in Pokemon X and Y from the Kalos region. Surely with as popular as a Pokemon as Eevee is, there would be some kind of double-standard available for trainers to have a Sylveon in Pokemon GO if Alolan and Galarian Pokemon have already been made available in the app. Due to the fact that Sylveon is part of the Kalos region, the Pokemon from that region are unavailable; but from a fan’s point of view, this is one Pokemon that should be made into exception. With the remainder of Pokemon from the Unova region yet to be featured, it would only make sense not to feature a Pokemon from the next region prematurely. In addition to Pokemon left incomplete that have yet to be featured from Unova, there has yet to be a debut of mythical Pokemon in regions that have already been featured, like a Shaymin or Arceus.

Ultra Unlock Week’s last featured event from the post-Pokemon GO Fest celebration will feature Pokémon from the Unova region. Trainers are looking forward to catching rare Pokemon from the region; like Axew, Larvesta, and even the starter Pokémon who have yet to have a Community Day. There is even a possibility for more of the same species Pokemon from the Galar region to make an appearance as well; which includes Stunfisk, Darumaka, and the debut of possibly seeing Galarian Yanmask. Pokémon from the Unova region that have not been featured will most likely appear as rewards in Field Research or Raid Battles for trainers to challenge. These events will begin at the end of Enigma Week on Friday with the new with to begin on the same day for Ultra Unlock Week.

Sword and Shield
Pokémon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass Key Art. Image Courtesy The Pokémon Company International, Nintendo

It truly is a mystery that some Pokemon were featured and teased from other regions that are unavailable in Pokemon GO. With three regions left to debut in the app, it will finally catch up to the recent core games of the Pokemon series. However, we are looking at years of development for Niantic to catch up with, it is more than likely a new Pokemon game will be released by the time those three regions are ever featured on the app. There are elements still missing with Pokemon GO being unable to connect with the recent cloud device in Pokemon Home. Perhaps it will take some more time to build the concept to synchronize, or another Let’s Go installment to be featured that continues remastering the original core games. As long as Pokemon GO is still popular, the possibility of these games to be made is inevitable. Especially if this includes Pokemon that have yet to debut in the app!