Nintendo has a lot to learn from and improve on with the first Fishing Tournament in Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Switch.
The first Fishing Tournament in Animal Crossing: New Horizon‘s happened today and, as of the time of this writing, still has another hour to go. It’s fun. You talk to C.J., the online influencer/fishing enthusiast/beaver. When you sign up you get a timer for three minutes. Then you run and frantically try to catch as many fish as you can.
When the timer ends, you return to C.J., who then tallies how many you caught and gives you points. For every 10 points you get a prize. There’s terrible items like a cooler and there’s a lot of really cool items like door hangings and one of the best shirts I’ve seen the game have as a design. I’ve also won a fish wand, a fish umbrella, a fish rug, a fish rack, a fish display and a few other items.

The problem is, I’d have won a lot more if the game’s mechanics weren’t fighting me.
First off, it’s still the lead-in for Bunny Day and the eggs don’t stop just because you’re in a tournament. As you can see in the picture here, I caught an egg while doing this. It even gives you the normal line of dialogue for catching it AND another one explaining how you’re going to just put it away for now because it’s not a fish. Then your character does the animation of putting it in your pocket. On average, catching an egg takes about 30 seconds off your timer and it sucks. I had one run where I caught three fish in one tourney.

The other problem is the fact that everything, like my sanity, is really easy to wear down and break. Until I started keeping customization kits with me to fix my tools, I had two different runs where my fishing rod broke in the middle of a tournament and that was it. They should remove that mechanic from the tourney as that’s just not fair.
Long story short, I get Animal Crossing: New Horizons has some growing pains as this is their first foray into the much more high-tech and advanced version of the series but, man, is this a learning lesson that I hope Nintendo took notes on.