You participated and voted! This is all the information you need to get ready for Sat. Feb. 22 2020, for Rhyhorn Community Day!
Trainers were asked to vote for who they would like to catch for the February Community Day for Pokemon GO. From four selections of Kanto Pokemon, Rhyhorn was voted as the Pokemon for the monthly event. For the first time this mechanic was used, it was interesting to see Niantic choose this path to get their playing audience involved. The voting method that has made Rhyhorn the Pokemon for Community Day gives the thought that he will not be the last Pokemon decided by a voting system.
Before Community Day begins on Saturday, there will be a chance for trainers to get a jump on the day’s event by acquiring Sinnoh Stones. For a full 24-hours starting at midnight, if a player playing Pokemon Go participates in the GO-Battle League, they can receive a total of ten Sinnoh Stones for actively participating in the new battle feature. A trainer can battle up to 25 times a day in the GO-Battle League maximum in order to benefit the trainer’s ranking in the league and what level of trainers they can face. The Sinnoh Stones will be beneficial to be used for the trainers that will actively participate, for they will need them to evolve Rhyhorn to its final evolution form.
Rhyhorn evolved into Rhydon and then into Rhyperior in its three stages of evolution. Rhyperior can only evolve in Pokemon Go with a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Rhyhorn candies. The event will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (EST) for the Northern Hemisphere and will take place from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Southern Hemisphere during Community Day hours. For the trainers that are able to catch and evolve and Rhyhorn to a Rhyperior will have the opportunity to have the Pokemon learn the charged move, “Rock Wrecker,” an exclusive move that will be available during Community Day. Trainers can also evolve Rhyhorn one full hour after their Community Day hours have ended.
There are other events included in the day for trainers to take advantage of during Rhyhorn Community Day. PokeStop lures will be fully available during the three hours during the event. Trainers will also be able to acquire three times the amount of stardust to help level up their Pokemon. Other Pokemon available in raids during the event hours include Rampardos, Terrakion, Tyranitar, and the greatest prize of them all; Rhyperior. Chances of shiny Rhyhorn will also be increased for trainers to catch during Community Day. Happy cathing this weekend, trainers! This Community Day event will surely be the highlight that leads into Pokemon Week!