Added with the 1.1 update, Emily was described as “an adorably weird mystic universal energy camper, who will be infallibly sweet to you both before and after marriage.” Unlike other spouses, Emily continues her interest in fashion and sewing after you marry her. To reach 14 hearts with Emily, you can give her Amethyst, Aquamarine, Cloth, Emerald, Jade, Ruby, Survival Burger, Topaz or Wool.
At 14 hearts, leave your house and she will reveal she’s been creating something special for you but needs your help to finish it. She won’t tell you what it is, only that she needs you to collect 200 pieces of Fiber. If you don’t already have 200 Fiber, you can farm for it from these sources:
- Weeds (50% to drop): Found on Farm or on Floors 25-29 and 105-109 of the Mines.
- Wilderness Golems (90% chance to drop): Found on the Wilderness Farm Map.
- Purchase from new Desert vendor for 5x Stone
Once you collect 200 Fiber, return to Emily and give it to her. It will take a few days for her to finish it. Enter the house after 8:00 p.m. to receive the brand new outfit she has made for you:
- Magic Hat.
- Magic Shirt.
- Genie Pants.
- Emily’s Magic Boots: +4 Defense, +4 Immunity