Streets of Rage 4
Every now and then, you’re just in the mood for a simple beat em’ up. Back in September, developer WayForward gave us the delightful River City Girls, and I honestly think the game’s personality cured my depression as I sat playing it in my bed on my gorgeous Switch.
Now, courtesy of the universe being awesome, it has been announced that Streets of Rage 4 will be coming to the Switch in the first half of 2020. The game looks like a true sequel to the classic beat em’ up franchise, and its cartoonish visuals are stunning to look at.
Speaking of games that allow you to make other games, how about this one from developer Digital Continue? The aptly named Supermash lets you mix different gaming genres together in order to create entirely new games. Not only that, but you can also share the games you’ve created with your friends.
Basically, and this can’t be stressed enough, I need this game injected into my veins this very minute. It’s just the kind of wacky, yet brilliant idea that I’ve been waiting for. We’ll see how it turns out when it releases in May 2020.